
As someone who ballooned up due to injuries, I can say for a fact that just moderate activity will give definition without the 6 pack. In the Navy I tore my ACL BADLY, then 10 years later I slipped on a patch of ice on an elevated deck and fell on my back hitting the steps, I broke T2-T6 and T10 vertebra which limited

Same situation, my wife’s company had GREAT healthcare plan, then ACA enters the picture. Suddenly the company cancels the plan because it would suddenly cost them triple for the same plan.

The basic ACA plan is not accepted by anyone within 150 miles of my location, so it is useless but if we dont have it we get hit

It looks like the site is hawking jackets from the series. Any updates besides that?

I quit their service, bought Plex, then used Sonarr to grab whatever the hell I want to my media server. Streams to my fire sticks, fire tv, and nvidia shield, tablets and phones anywhere anytime.

Nvida Shield kicks all of them outta the water.

Bryan Singer... yea gonna have to pass.

Serious question, I am missing the tip of my left middle finger from an accident when I was a child. The tip is VERY sensitive and painful at times. Will that stop me from being able to play at all? I just bought a how to guide with 6 dvds, a book, and a middle of the road guitar. Just messing with it for an hour has

I got mine today $60.75 DRAM Settlement on the check.

1921 it was made available to the public, but did not sell due to its high price. They were used by the mob starting in 1928, when National Guard Armories started having them stolen and sold to anyone with the cash. In the 20's the gun was sold at $200 which was 1/2 the cost of a new car.

The Hostage crisis in Lebanon from TWA 847 in 1985. One of our teachers had family that was originally to be on that flight but because they had an illness did not fly that day.

That was always how I do it, swift death then right into the pot while the butter is being clearified.

Now playing

No words but still one of my favorite themes.

Or in the South in June-October. Today was 96F with a heat index of 105. Next week is looking like 101F for the high, heat index is normally 7-12F more. Fuck biking in the north 1/2 the year is too cold, and the south 1/2 the year is a blazing fucking oven of hell. Post this bullshit on and see

I bought that too, wonder if they will make it stand alone for purchased content or kill it all. If they make it where I cant use something I paid for I intend to raise holy hell with their support team.

Sure slightly bitter explains it exactly. Then Herbal, thousands of fucking herbs all taste different. Cant get more generic than that. Then the top 3 google results say it tastes like Campari, but that has no flavor profile either. The next 5 results describe it as “Fruity and Light”. More generic useless

Sure slightly bitter explains it exactly. Then Herbal, thousands of fucking herbs all taste different. Cant get more generic than that. Then the top 3 google results say it tastes like Campari, but that has no flavor profile either. The next 5 results describe it as “Fruity and Light”. More generic useless

Could of told us what Aperol is and tastes like...

And once the novelty wears off you will have another kitchen tool taking up space. We RARELY use ours.

Can you tell me who’s writing is he similar to? I have read everything from Weis/Hickman/Zelazney, Brooks, Saberhagen, Niven, Martin, Robert Jordan, Carey, and Butcher. It is just hard to jump into a series with someone new lol

Or have Rockstar allow the one already working on Xbox One to be released officially as backward compatible. I tested it, then it was pulled...