
No, the one seen was a matte black finish. It could be the same plane with another finish applied but the report called it a new test bed aircraft with a new composite frame designated DB-52A, and it at the time was allegedly one of a kind. It has been seen at several testing ranges including the Navy’s socal range

Now playing

The radar of the B52 is capable of guiding missiles to target. The wing hardpoints infact CAN mount multiple missiles like the Aim 120 -which is an Anti Aircraft missile, Harm missiles, Harpoons and several others. They also had a test in the 1990's when I was in the Navy that slaved the radar of an E2C Hawkeye and

YES THIS ^^^ I was so upset waiting to at least hear part of the awesome theme then nothing. It was a downer.

That is it, I cooked a ribeye last night was like melting butter. We go out in trucks or tractors so we can see down into the fields - typically corn or cotton near me. Gotta know where the next closest home and buildings are and where livestock are kept. We dont use dogs on the hunts I attend I was on a hunt with

The B52 can launch smart bombs (not missiles) from over 50 miles out now. With the proper load then can now carry AA missiles, AG missiles, and other materials they could not previously. This would allow the 52 to self protect and take out anything from Sam sites and AA to tactical command centers on the way to the

As I said they flash freeze it for us at our butcher. He uses a liquid nitrogen setup, I loved visiting in summer and walking into the walk in storage center. You can get the beef aged, but he did charge for hang time and storage. Everything is wet aged when processed, he used industrial plastic butcher packs then

Farmers here sometimes advertise for professional hog hunters needed and pay you to hunt. I am in Belton Texas, so have plenty of farms within 40 miles, if you are social at all you can get an invite to private farms to hunt as long as you are respectful and careful not to shoot carelessly. Typically I go hog hunting

If you tend to use a lot of meat, I suggest finding a butcher that sells 1/4, 1/2, and full sides of meat. They often cut it into any cuts you want, have it packaged for long time freezer storage, are better looking then anything at any local grocery store and typically cost much less. Our last side of beef cost us

This is almost as bad as the fucktards that move to Austin, directly across from MAJOR BBQ smokehouses then bitch about the smoke. Personally I feel those idiots should be rounded up and shot, anyone who is anyone knows bbq smoke smells AWESOME and it should never stop. Damn now I gotta drive into Austin for some

Bummer no Red Dead news. RockStar You broke my heart. You broke my heart! At least toss us a bone and let the fully working version I played on Xbox One be released for backward compatibility since we all know it worked fine.

But, but, but... None of it matters. MLB stats are the only number that matters when recording a MLB record. Ichiro is a badass player without a doubt, but his MLB stats have not exceeded Rose’s record. Can he beat the record certainly he is talented enough, but once you start adding other leagues stats then you run

Republic Wireless is selling the Nexus 5x in July is there a difference really between the 5 and 5x?

The reason Israel profiles is because it WORKS. Look at Europe and how they handle air travel. No TSA bullshit that has been proven to be a failure, yet still low incidents of problems. They have computer camera setups now that look for odd behavioural cues and then flag a person for security to come and grab for

I would pay more for Prime if they agreed to NEVER use the USPS to deliver my shit. I live in an area where contractors deliver mail. It is fucked up weekly and most of the neighborhood has filed claims with the postmaster, but because it is a contractor we cant do shit and just hope their contract is not renewed.

I was reading a report by a climate scientist that said we will be better off once the sea levels rise like they did in the Pliocene because that much additional water would reduce the acidification of the ocean and that it would cause the temperature to drop dramatically from today’s temperatures. This was also said

Yea I ordered the colored versions so my wife and I wouldnt try and steal each others. Those will ship last, and I know crowdfunding so I am waiting. It is amazing how little people read on how this works, they bitch constantly about everything.

Get the more expensive GEL bleach. Coat the gaskets, seals and any nook and cranny available in the front of the washer. Let sit 30 minutes then run washer on HOT. Then wipe dry when it completes and it kills all the crap that can smell and sanitizes it then rinses it all away.

Release date? Even roughly?

yup they have a daily deal on local shops. Can get great bbq for 1/2 off or coffee deals and things like that. Plus they list the local hs sports teams scores so I can see how my kids are doing when I dont go to the games.

Now if you can keep them off the damn network television I would be right there with you. I HATE that shit, I HATE them pre-empting everything from the local news to normal programming to show me athletes in sports that I dont give a shit about, in a country I dont give a shit about.