
Your responsibility as a parent doesnt stop because you have unthinking people in the picture. I dont leave my children with people I feel are not 100% invested in their well being. As a parent it is my responsibility to care for that child until he or she can successfully leave home. We choose who our children are

It isnt really about the kids so much as it is too many fucking idiots having children and not being parents. If you have something dangerous dont leave it out for a kid to have access to. In several of the cases I read about the magnets some parent BOUGHT them for the CHILDREN even though the product clearly state

Nope the parents are the jackasses not doing their jobs by watching and protecting their children. It is as simple as putting them up away from children.

Then you as a parent are at fault for not being responsible and placing them in an area where they could not be gotten to. Same as if I had poison, I would be negligent to leave them where an infant or toddler could access it. So yes it is harsh but still the parents fault.

It seems the U.S. Government wants to become the nanny state that we neither want nor need. Soon there will be no more 90 degree corners because some stupid shit will hurt themselves and poof gone. What is next bubble wrapping your little shits so they cant hurt themselves? Back in history the fucking useless parents

careful of the flares they do go bad.

I have worked with Mossad operatives while in the Navy. Great people very dedicated, and hard working people. If any of these twerps do any lasting and meaningful damage they will not have a long life. No as to what currently has been done. Israel is laughing their ass off saying what have you done to our government?

After the second or third time they sell the debt they normally lose all the documentation proving the debt. Just mail a certified letter to them disputing it demanding proof of the debt if they hadnt replied in 30 days the debt is gone. Just keep proof of the mailing of the certified letter then when they latter try

#correction Ipod touch not Ipad touch...

My son's Origin account was hijacked, and the assholes cheated on his account and he was banned. I contacted EA/Origin with proof of the account being accessed without permission with IP address logs and the email being changed to one in China. The rep agreed and sent me to their specialist they made me FAX them the

I hope so, do we really need these idiots that the mature players hate voting for our Presidency? While some Halo players are mature and educated people the vast majority of launch players are the asshats that most of us hate.

No country has the monopoly on moronic children, no need to worry about it.

Prequel? What the hell are you talking about? There were only 3 movies I am aware of (and I stand by that to the death!) A new hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi...

Entertainment For All Plan expanding to five US Retailers

ah another dumb comment about the 1% when they havent even looked at the data on the taxes and the job creation from just the top tier... Enjoy the Obamanation we have in office while you can... Obama is the most 2 faced president since Nixon... and he was an admitted mistake...

Will have to look into that! Thanks!

I have over 100 steam games in my account, and about 1/2 I tried before I shelled out the $50 for the game. Normally I read the review and if I am on the fence I download a copy and play it a day and see if it is something I will actually play and then I go purchase it or delete it. Now as for Ubisoft, I bought 4 of

When you get your CDL the test has a section about knowing your vehicle clearance... Let them die will thin the herd of idiots.

I have never really liked her in anything... she just has unlikable roles I guess. I will not judge her until I see a few episodes though...

Staring Teal'c from Sg-1... Well I will rent it at least...