
We had this problem, it turned out to be the coating the last assclown had sprayed on the walls. He was a smoker in a non-smoking rental, he coated the walls with a cheap ass gimmik spray that is supposed to prevent the smoke smell from seeping into the walls and the nicotine from yellowing the paint. Shit was

At the rate of this article it would be easier to just create a dyson sphere to cover the planet instead of the sun as a dyson sphere is intended. Then the radiation isnt a problem anymore and we can redirect sunlight as needed, where needed. This will also allow the planet to cool to a temperature where life may be

Bullshit to be evicted you have to have a notice filed with the county office first and they give you a set number of days to vacate the residence. If they dont follow the law they are open to a huge number of lawsuits including jail time for theft.

All I can say is

They have asked me to open it and show how it works a few times. Only 1 time have I had a problem, the agent was new and had to have a supervisor come over. I showed them on my phone the kit I got from make and they had no issues.

I would have no problem paying the $13 a ticket it is locally for me if it came with a perk. I have a family of 4 all with adult ticket prices. At this rate allow us to have a get the blueray free for an additional $5 on a single ticket then I can justify the costs. $54 just for our tickets then 2 lg popcorns 4 drinks

He said in three interviews "No Directors Cuts will be released" meaning if enough money can be made on it sure!

AKA a battery killer... Many phones work harder trying to get a signal and that eats a battery...

I agree +1

Big Bang is awesome too I lived next door to guys like them.

I agree with the mental illness issue, but we also need to have a talk with the nice folks his shrink talked to when it was determined he was a danger to himself and others... The Shrink contacted the police and they didnt do shit...

I use my firearms for hunting 99% of the time, target shooting and competitive shooting the rest of the time. I keep my firearms well maintained and ready to be used whenever they are needed. I have lived in Los Angeles, and now in Texas, I would trust my own personal security on my own skills rather then rely on

I was in the U.S. Navy we would use a 50 cal to target debris, mines, pirate crafts, and a lot of practice. Your comment that YOU find guns barbaric - fine dont buy them, dont use them. Just dont let YOUR ideals prevent ME from owning a TOOL that can be used for other then destruction of other men. I was part of the

And we DO have a corrupt government... And I own many guns from several ages, I hunt, and target shoot a lot. I am ex-military and see no reason NOT to have a firearm they are TOOLS, each has a place and a purpose but they are not for everyone. Liberal ideals are all fine and good until you are under attack and

My dominoes has a counter JUST for GF food prep. The system looked pretty good to me. My wife's dietician (SP?) told her to try a GF diet due to sensitivities but gave no other info. I already have a moderate diet because of my severe lactose intolerance... I love pizza but can only have it in small doses... Her

But if you do it yourself the police cant force Youtube to unscramble your faces when served with a warrant for the crimes you are posting...

Oh it is lol I love them!

Vodka + Gummi Bears = Crack!