
Give him a star WD 40 is a piss poor lube. It sucks.

Sam, it fits in my pocket fine. My 1st cellphone was in 1997 and it was HUGE and did nothing but calls. With this I have a quality phone that I can use for more things. I cant see paying these huge prices for tiny phones my big hands cant operate the touchscreens. Big hands tend to click multiple buttons at once. Now

NO, you simply sterilize the morons and we no longer have a weakening gene pool. Remember when we were kids? The morons ended up doing something dumb as hell and died. Now we dont have this culling of the herd and they now breed more little dumb shits and they arent being parented at all allowing little moron thugs to

The flavors just arent great... We need a third party flavor maker for better syrups...

I learned my love of cooking from his shows... I started my children watching Good Eats by Alton Brown to try and get them to love cooking too.

Those are fine to me also, it is the ones that post here and are completely biased bother me. What is worse when you simply ask if this is a biased view or ask for something to back it up you are banned. One writer in particular is nasty about this type of attack on us the people who read and post on the comments. BTW

I agree, and some writers take any thing we say as a personal attack. There are several that are HIGHLY biased and regularly post opinions vs facts. If we even ask for information we can be banned. The problem is sorting the good from the bad, there are many of the writers who I love to visit and see what they have

"From Sunday February 26, to Thursday, March 1 the disc-vending kiosks are offering a free single-day video game rental" uh, it isnt Sunday the 26th-March 1st yet loool

+1 to you! lol

No, but other service men ARE here so are the families of those men. Have a little class and respect the fallen. To the families of these heroes, I am sorry for your loss, and please ignore the ignorant people who make thoughtless comments.

You need to look at the definition of Nanny state again... It is the over protective shit that happened in the UK then Canada and now here. We need to stop the moronic lawsuits and slap a MORON tattoo on their foreheads so when we see them standing in the street we know it is ok to run them the hell over. More laws

Now, we need to stop being a nanny state and allow the morons to die through natural selection again. In the past you did something retarded and you died before spreading your weak ass genes... Now we have the morons breeding like rabbits... Remember when we didnt need a warning label on things... I bought a set of

Scorched Earth ah I loved that game...

Yes Nasa has the plans, the designs and the technology to do it, now they just need the cold hard cash to put it in place. And that is why it wont happen... Tight asses cutting budgets for things like this while adding more socialistic programs. Reagan and Kennedy were the last 2 presidents who wanted us to expand


Right now we are the big dog on the block, but are on a leash. At this time we are doing a looney toon sketch... Remember when Foghorn Leghorn would hit the dog with a bat and watch him run to the end of his chain and bark? Well we re-drew the line just like the dog did... Now we are waiting for them to cross the

You forget that you were not forced to join the United States Armed Forces. I gladly joined and served my nation in the Navy. I was proud that my country has done more good on this planet than any 2 other nations. We offer humanitarian aid to nearly anyone why asks, we are the U.N. and Nato's teeth, we do far more

God Bless the US Navy... I was on the CV-63 Kitty Hawk we used to see our sub escorts from time to time normally SSN's with an occasional SSBN... Got enough nukes to get the job done + enough conventional hardware to make any sane nation think twice.

damnit remake Mutant League Football and I WILL buy it.

Now playing

It is the accuracy that I was concerned with. It doesnt look like we should be too worried with the Qader missile it is for stationary targets mainly and isnt all that accurate if you believe wikipedia. American warships have CIWS for attacks like this, but most probable is the missile will hit 10 miles from the