
Bullshit, I have had 2 knee surgeries from an accident while in the Navy. My doctors told me on average running is harder on the body and I was told to take up scuba. One dive will use up a shitton of calories, is easy on the body, and allows you to relax and see things the average person only sees on discovery or

I torrented some of the games I own... A particular developer *COUGHUBISOFTCOUGH* was a total whore with its games requiring online access to play OFFLINE... Settlers7 I bought new and UBI killed the serial number telling me I pirated it... Scanned the key+disk and talked with so called support for hours and finally

I recently had a string of mail theft from my mailbox. After the USPS refused to do anything about it (it was my mailman doing the theft) I REMOVED the entire mailbox and all my mail was returned to sender. They have a little red stamp that says "NO MAIL RECEPTICLE" that is stamped on the mail and it doesnt go to me

I was just saying that they are REALLY common in the border towns. I have seen them in Mexico city too. I cant say it is a traditional snack for an entire nation, but it is available in Mexico and not too hard to find. I rarely eat anything besides "street vendor" food when I travel most countries and found these were

A lot of the border towns have these on the corners, Tijuana has them with a fish meat... Awesomeness just because you dont know about something doesnt mean it doesnt exist in the ENTIRE country what an asshat...

Actually the family of Steve Irwin protested the name change and wanted them to STOP using it. They do NOT approve of the tactics they use.

Anyone know something like VSO's ConvertXtoDVD but for Bluray?

Most overused meme EVER

Acer/Gateway has the same policy - if there is an amount of anything that can cause an allergic reaction to a repair tech then it is sent back and warranty is voided. I have seen roach infestations in PC's, a rodents tail, various insects/spiders, hair, dust and some things I cant identify. It is all up to the tech at

My wife and I used the female condoms for years, they cost a little more but dont cut my penis in half, and we both got a lot of feeling from it unlike a regular condom.

Nope saying that all of the other mmorpgs that are so beloved such as the all powerful WoW is just as bad and no one is bitching about that = fanboi-ism. While this hasn't even been released and it is still being bitched at. Did you even READ the post?

I played the game during beta and had three characters at 20ish a smuggler, a jedi knight and bounty hunter. Each had a fully fleshed out early game content that the NOOB community will want and I dont mean that in a bad way. With any new HUGE name game you have people fresh to the genre. Each and every person I

On the flip side you have some nations and organizations that refuse to follow the rules of war at any level. As someone who has lived in the Middle East, I can attest to the fact that SOME of the people there will do ANYTHING to hurt the enemy no matter who it is. There are no noncombatants there.

A large amount of people I know do this too. I just find it sad that taking a movie that I own and converting it to be used on another device is a crime. Companies dont owe me anything but they should have no legal right to sue me for modifying hardware legally bought. You keep bringing up Nintendo, but Sony has went

Who said anything about piracy? Get off your high horse, I am talking about me owning the hardware and being able to do whatever the hell I want to it, including modifications to allow me to do more with it.

The TSA made my son (9) throw away a DRAWING of a gun he made while waiting for a flight. He is NINE and far from becoming the next major artist. He just doodled it out in maybe 5 minutes as part of a scene from Mythbusters... The fucking moron agent looked at him holding his notepad and said "Is that a gun?" my son

The Digital MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1998 says it is a crime since you are breaking the encryption to make a copy. [] Copyright law was amended by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act which changed net copyright in many ways. In particular, it put all sorts of legal strength behind copy-protection

I bought the hardware, why the hell cant I do what I want to it. I use a hacked ds card in my sons DS, he owns 22 games that I installed on the cart, added movies and music that I rip from my OWN collections and that is a crime to do. To take content I already purchased and use them on in a different way then

As for the PS3 the reason the modification started was because they were REMOVING functions that we had paid for. I enjoyed having a linux build on my ps3 until the next update killed it.

It is simply opening the hardware to allow custom software to run, it isnt always about piracy. My first Xbox was modded and I used it as a home theater with XBMC, Same with my dreamcast, I ran custom apps for the most part and a TON of emulator software. You say unauthorized software, I say user generated content.