Could it be some by product of the CERN Large Hadron Collider? They have been making all kinds of exotic particles... I was reading how very few of the particles were dangerous to humans but there were some that were...
Could it be some by product of the CERN Large Hadron Collider? They have been making all kinds of exotic particles... I was reading how very few of the particles were dangerous to humans but there were some that were...
While I cant say what the New York protest looks like but the Dallas and Oakland ones are FILTHY NASTY and has a STINK that you can smell over a city block away. With Feces and used condoms EVERYWHERE which IS a health issue. Next time just bring in the FDNY and hose em down!
I agree a light shouldnt blind a player 1/2 across a map
+1 to you astrocramp. As I pointed out in the previous article, MOST of the locations that are holding the OWS protests hate these people. They have become increasingly violent, and crimes in the areas near the protest have had M-A-S-S-I-V-E increases in ALL crimes. As a member of the Tea Party, I did go to 2…
I actually went to two. So I am sooo glad that you seem to know what is happening at them. I was working about a mile from the Dallas protest and went to see what was up. I was disgusted by the stupidity of the people there, then for work I was lucky enough to have to be in San Fran and Oakland to give training…
I agree with him a fair amount of the protests have become shanty towns full of theft, drug abuse, rape, and violence. All can be backed up by the local news that is NOT shown on most national news networks.
It is clear you have no idea of the many various reasons some people are heavy. I am fine emotionally, but I was in an accident skiing about 5 years ago and it took me 18 months of rehab for my knees that were already damaged while I was in the Navy to heal. Try to keep fit when you have both knees in large metal…
Amazon previously stated they were looking forward to an open marketplace...
Most schools do require the vaccine, but you CAN get a waiver to avoid it. It isn't difficult to do either. As for this vaccine, I do feel that it should NOT be required. Overall it is rarely followed with the proper boosters and you end up with a severe case as an adult. I had a no pox infection of chicken pox where…
Amazon stated a vast portion of android apps will work on the device. Amazon knows that if they fail here that no one will take them seriously again in the tablet market.
Also please note that the people from the timeframes that Rice chose for her char. were different people than today. I am a huge history reader, and have studied how people have changed in time, and it has been discussed more times than I can count how the people of certain areas and times have been what would be…
I vote for Count Duckula...
It runs most android apps, so it really shouldnt be too hard to get what you want on it. While Apple is the Soup Nazi of the tablet world restricting apps to "approved" only. I would argue that the Amazon's Kindle Fire with its open Android OS would be far more open to the developers.
So it is ok with you for me to go to your house and abuse you, rob you, and destroy your things? In Dallas, and Oakland they DO have an organized set of leader to handle the donations of things. This was who was asked. Next time they get violent I would bet the police will be much more aggressive too. This is getting…
I can understand that. But in this case, OWS was never a formally organized rally. How do all the laws about "obtaining proper permits" and the like address those? It certainly cannot be a blanket coverage law where ALL protests MUST be well-organized, with all the proper stamps obtained beforehand. - Uh, yea it is a…
For starters, the First Amendment is perfectly clear that you have a right to speak freely, and to "peaceably assemble." This does not mean ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, and at ANY COST. But those rights are hardly absolute, and courts have long allowed for neutral "time, place, and manner" regulations, which means that the…
We dont know exactly what he saw to have him throw that flash bang. He could have thought he was justified. I dont have a problem with the use of less then lethal tactics - if the police officer had been killed during this people like you would have still sided with the mob... Sad
And in your view it is never ok to defend yourself? Ok. Look how well that works throughout history...
So it is ok to break the law if it gets your cause the press it needs? I dont think so. We were talking and laughing with the police, as our leaders took turns talking to the crowd explaining our views and what we wanted to do about it. We were respectful, and got our message out. Your comment "All is fair in love and…
First the United States constitution explicitly provides for 'the right of the people PEACEABLY to assemble". There is a public ordnance in MANY cities requiring permits for protests, and for occupying areas overnight. This group was asked 2 days ago to get the proper permits so they could allocate a dedicated police…