
What you do NOT see is the police officer with the bullhorn asking the group to disperse for the 5th time in 3 hours. They were told that they could RECONVENE in the morning. The said please go and file for the permit to CAMP overnight on the public grounds, and if they did not FILE they would have to leave each night

EXACTLY, and it wasnt as if this incident in Oakland wasn't preventable. Why can't we focus on how to fix this nation and attempt to bring back morals and values. While I don't agree with a fair amount of what these people are protesting, I do agree they have the right to do so as long as it is a LAWFUL grouping.

And this type of rhetoric helps how? How about we focus on the problems and how to fix them? All this is, is more of a TROLL type post made to incite people. Why can't we focus on how to fix this nation and attempt to bring back morals and values. While I don't agree with a fair amount of what these people are

EYE see what you did there

New movies? There have only been THREE star wars films, and no one is going to convince me otherwise! AND LUCAS STOP FUCKING WITH THE MOVIES I GREW UP LOVING thank you.

So a Titan AE style show?

My mother worked THREE jobs in LA to afford to clothe, feed and put a roof over my head in a shitty neighborhood where I had to worry about being shot, stabbed, or just robbed daily. Guess what my ass did? I got a job, got an education and got the hell out of the ghetto. I busted my ass, joined the Navy when jobs got


First he would make sure they had the correct permits MAKING it legal... Currently it is not a legal thing... Bruce likes to do it right lol

That would be "Sinking" Chinese Restaurant...

Ok in my area movie tickets are 15.50-17.50 a ticket depending on if it is 3D or not. I have a family of 4 so 15.5*4=$62 BEFORE concessions. I still say offer the movie for a special price and get a mail in rebate to get the blu-ray free or at massive reduced cost. Then I may justify going again...

+1 for setting that picture in my mind

depends on the pulse strength when I was in the Navy we had a CIC that was "hardened" during construction we noticed it had a faraday cage built it and it wasnt that impressive looking but was supposed to survive an emp from a "typical" attack... I imagine if you have a tiny cage it wouldnt protect much, but a more

Faraday cage would protect from the effects, but so would being underground

They showed them to us in the Navy to show the dangers on the deck... some were pretty twisted...


Simply listed for the line... "It's in the hole" lol

No, I said my letter carrier is a douche and a contractor and when I go to my local post office to find my mail I am treated like I am an asshole for you know actually receiving my mail. Please read the WHOLE comment before you pass judgment. This makes BOTH the contractor AND the Post office assholes in my book. I

It never was better than back in the original days of John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Gilda Radner, Bill Murray, Brian Doyle-Murray, Bill Murray and Chevy Chase... Here is a full cast list here []