Just Jeepin'

Wow, that’s beautiful, it’s a manual, and by BaT standards it’s not crazy over-priced (yet). Going to have to watch this one.

You realize that between posting to this comment thread where most people will never find it, and replying to me instead of the original person who asked, this may be the most significant comment you write that no one ever reads? 😁

If they don’t acknowledge receipt of it and it vanishes, good luck getting out of that mess.

If you haven’t read it, Seveneves is a brutally-long novel about what happens when we lose (sorta) the moon.

I might have to break out the Jammock this year and try again; it droops a bit too much to leave on all the time (one downside to being bald and having a seat lift), but as a way to chill on a summer evening, it’s great.

You do know what site you’re on, right?

By the time she was 21 she had totaled 5 cars and even at fault in 8 accidents.

Forgot: you’d probably enjoy this series.

Here in Indiana, leaving it off all year isn’t really practical...

I leave the top off most of the summer and make sure I have protection with me.

*But* how many people actually want to sit in a Jeep with no roof / doors in stop-and-go traffic on the highway while commuting in the Bay Area?

Jason did nod towards them and David is usually forbidden from advocating for Jeeps in these posts.

EST” is the real crime there.

Rarely used here in the U.S. AFAIK.

It’s taken me 5 years of Jeep ownership to retrain myself to say “vehicle” when I’m speaking generically, and of course I always refer to mine as “the Jeep”.


It’ll start, I just don’t want to get stuck in mud or some other ugly situation without a useful first gear.

Wait, I missed the diet Mountain Dew aspect to this. Now I’m worried.