Everyone who reads this article on a phone is going to wonder what all the comments are about. No slideshow madness here.
Everyone who reads this article on a phone is going to wonder what all the comments are about. No slideshow madness here.
Is this new layout going to be a regular thing?
Post-AMC, but this Cherokee commercial always makes me smile.
I really dislike it when people do that unnecessarily. Sure, reviewing a car, maybe. But to talk about anything else seems like you’re placing everyone on the road at risk for no good reason.
I did that and immediately regretted it.
Thus the dropped windshield. Great cooling system.
Man, if I lived in the Deep South I’d have my top and doors off year-round, and the windshield down most of the summer. 85° and up is what I wait for every year.
I use the airlines more too, but I’d trade all my future flights for a postal service that isn’t hamstrung by Congress and continues to make sure the poorest and most rural Americans have the same privileges as everyone else.
Technically it doesn’t operate it, it just ties its hands in order to make sure it can’t profit.
Erin, these are probably of interest to your audience as well...
Thank you! I had no idea, I have a DJ in the shopping cart now.
Being bald makes it interesting: no hair to fight, but also no hair to protect me from skin cancer.
They are pretty rare. There’s someone with one near me in central Indiana (not for sale that I know of), but I haven’t been fortunate enough to take a look at it yet.
I don’t disagree about sun/moon roofs. I think you need the full convertible experience, else it’s just not worth it.
Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong.
Darn tootin’
I have to admit, the road noise gets to me.