I thought that might by Jim Morita, too, but there’s a deleted scene from the Avengers, where Steve’s looking at the records of the Howling Commandos, trying to see if any of his friends are still alive. Jim Morita is listed as having passed.
I thought that might by Jim Morita, too, but there’s a deleted scene from the Avengers, where Steve’s looking at the records of the Howling Commandos, trying to see if any of his friends are still alive. Jim Morita is listed as having passed.
I feel it’s misleading to say God cancelled this schmuck when he’s still walking around, sucking air.
If Joe Manchin is going to spike the stimulus vote unless this cut was made, what’s Joe Biden supposed to do about it? He needs Manchin’s vote, and has very little leverage over him to force him to toe the line. It sucks, but what’s the alternative? Hold the vote on the stimulus and have it fail, so nobody gets a…
““Toot, toot,” he’ll whisper. “I’m Mayor Poot.”
...can’t ... breathe...
That going to become a pilgrimage site for folks with a giantess fetish.
The Pelosi one also said, “We want everything,” which is a right wing caricature of a leftist position, and not something an actual leftist would say.
“We want it all”? That’s not a left-wing sentiment, that’s a right-wing caricature of a left-wing sentiment. No way was Pelosi vandalized by anyone on the left - this was done by some MAGA who thought he was being clever.
Given how long the production was on this game, it should either have been pretty much exactly the game they delivered, but it runs flawlessly. Or it should have been overstuffed with ideas and systems and minigames, and had about half as many bugs.
Instead, we got a beta build of a workmanlike action RPG.
Which excuses (arguably) Jezebel, but not Logic magazine, which was the source of that quote.
I think the point is that “crazy overtime and a broken final product” are bad, but they’re not “cut off your child’s feet because you didn’t meet your rubber quota” bad.
If the vandals had been linked with BLM, the cops would have caught and shot somebody by now. Whether or not they were involved in the crime would essentially be a coin flip.
Most shop lifting is by employees... AND HE’S AN EMPLOYEE!
Checkmate, liberals!
-Charlie “Head Trauma” Kirk
So, I was in the ER yesterday because my appendix tried to kill me. My room was right across the hall from the nurse’s station, and I could hear them talking all day. The nurses - you know, people who chose caring for the sick and dying as a career path, who have spent the last six months on the frontlines fighting…
Lauren Mestas was at a BLM protest where a guy got shot. After the protest, she returned to the apartment complex where she lives. Possibly because she was shaken by seeing someone die, she forgot where she parked her car, and when she couldn’t find it the next morning, assumed it had been stolen, and called the police…
“The more obvious argument is that gender reveal parties uphold dangerous and inaccurate gender norms, where biology unequivocally equates to identity...”
As someone who is currently choking on smoke and ash from the wildfire caused by this party, I’m going to have to say, “No. No, that is not remotely the most obvious…
I totally agree that it’s a real word - what else would it be, a coffee table? And of course it’s in dictionaries - the whole point of dictionaries is to record how people are using language, and a lot of people use “irregardless.” It’s absolutely a real world, with a long history of usage in the English language.
Sure, and I’m all for a complete overhaul of worker’s rights in America, but I’m a little suspicious about people who care about that only in context of being able to solicit women for sex.
“Seriously, is he a sociology professor...”
Sociology professor? I’m sorry! I thought you were looking for a sociopath professor!