
If the Russians are looking to split the Democratic vote to try to keep Trump in office for another term, pushing a 3rd party libertarian candidate is the wrong track - a libertarian candidate would draw more Republicans than Dems, and work against a Trump re-election.

Yeah, “My political party contains the embodiment of rot and corruption,” is maybe not the best response to an accusation of being a mole.

And now I’ve learned it too!  Thanks for the spoiler warning!

Video game wrestling has been going down hill since M.U.S.C.L.E. Tag Team Match.


Good job making this story all about you.

None of those quotes contradict the explicit instruction I posted earlier.

“No, dead or living, faith is faith and we are only saved only by our faith.”

That’s not what the Bible says. 

The Bible verbatim... except for James 2:17.

Only person in here I see going against the word of God is you, Woshiernog. The Bible’s pretty clear on the subject.

Guess you’re one of those “cafeteria Christians,” who only follows the parts of the Bible you find personally appealing.

The Pope says you’re wrong.

“How can we demonstrate that we don’t like being associated with racists?”

“I know! A book burning!”

Yeah... it’s almost like what Blizzard did was entirely indefensible from any moral or ethical standpoint.

“According to the Bible, the only thing that gets you into heaven is accepting that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.”

It’s not aliens or people.  It’s natural causes and insurance fraud - if the cattle died due to natural causes, the insurance doesn’t pay out.  So cattle die of natural causes, and the rancher insists that it must have been because someone did something to it, and counts on most people not really understanding how

Why would you learning about Clinton in a hist...

Cool story (Genuinely! No sarcasm!) but this typo made me expect something much, much stranger:

“Something is going on in your room here too, the cabinet the old computer is in is randomly growing.” 

Surprise twist ending: old white dude can’t tell when women are being polite to get him to shut up and go away.

It sounds like you think it’s some new portmanteau they created just for the game?  ‘Cause “warcraft” has been part of the English language since at least the mid-19th century.

I’m not clear on how, “He won because it was outside the statute of limitations,” is a more accurate description than, “He won because he’d already paid the guy for his idea.”