I always hated people who couldn’t be bothered to know what they drove. I once had a lady looking for a belt for a Chevy Acadia. I thought she was making a clever reference to the Acadia and Traverse being the same underneath, but no, she honestly believed it was a Chevrolet. When the badges all say GMC, including on…
Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.
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Stealing purses eh? Would you say he was a Louisville Mugger?!
Ones that were not properly pressurized at that! I started laughing when that first guy came over. Would have been more effective to piss on it.
In the long run the v8 explorer was worth it, since it didn’t suffer the problems that the 4.0 explorers had, as well as having a more solid transmission.
I doubt most FWD cars have enough power to pull their car faster than say a light jogging-pace when a rear tire is skidding.
Not very far. Most idiots running from the cops haven’t bothered to install skid plates or casters on their chassis so it doesn’t drag important things on the ground and actually has some semblance of traction for the rear.
Did the crash curb his rally enthusiasm? It looked like he was on a roll until that point. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t out strutting his stuff after the race, but if he sprung to work he probably could get the car going again in short order. Wheel.... it’s been fun but I must be going!
If you think you can just hop into a car and drive off while 12-year-old Maddie Weiler is in there, think again,…
Comic Sans, Papyrus—look, I’mma let you finish, but Bleeding Cowboys is the worst font of ALL TIME.
So how do they know they have enough planes in the air? Well son, they keep adding planes until they start to bump into each other, then they take one away.
Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.
Am I the only one that thinks the illuminated star is a stupid feature invented for the conceited and vain?
RIP inflatable used car salesman version of Harambe
Don’t talk trash on stretching motorcycle tires to fit your wheels.. it’s tight bro
lol, it was a dodge, but not a brodozer one that I can remember. To be honest, I was kinda laughing pretty hard at the time