Ahhh, prop 65, the gift htat keeps on giving.
Ahhh, prop 65, the gift htat keeps on giving.
Also, the car seat left permanent marks on the backseats!
They have an awfully easy schedule, esp w Stanford’s new QB. They might surprise at 10-2.
Grew up with ‘em. ‘73 3 door, ‘84 454, ‘86 4x4, ‘91. Big family, big people.
I prefer the vague mystery of my old F250 with a 4 spd (t-19). I believe it is down and right but, to be honest, I’m not sure.
Does it fit in the v70? (crosses fingers!)
This is good shade, intentional or not.
I agree. Also, I didn’t find the Fallout games to be open world in the same way No Man’s Screensaver was.
This comment should receive more stars. And/or black socks.
The front is not statically wider or taller, it’s just that the trucknutz on the hitch are tugging it back.
an under appreciated virtue. We thrashed around in a friend’s for great, stupid fun.
here it’s brodozers, bmw and challengers. The civics have been left for the hard core.
This is the best thing I’ve seen today.
I know it’s a dodge but I’m getting all kind of early Celica vibes from that screen cap.
OK so this raises a question I’ve had for a while: what about stereo separation? I mean the speakers are so close. But more specifically, why are so many bluetooth speakers in mono? Has HiFi died except for a few $1k wooden knob purchasing die-hard?
Acutally OBX is an auto parts mfr. out of China that stacks ‘em deep and sells ‘em cheap.
What happened to Empyrion?
also, “locals only” shenanigans.
Well, I read Quade as saying it is too expensive for a Fit because of the technology, and then I read you as saying it doesn’t compete with a Fit because of the new expensive technology, which seemed to demonstrate the original point. I surmise it to be a marketing blunder, but real time behind the wheel is necessary…