
I think you just proved his/her point.

Well put.

The frequent gamers were described as being more skilled at cheating and stealing than their classmates who did not play. Researchers also noted their discomfort over the continual reference test subjects made about the scientist’s mothers. But scores don’t lie, especially in science.

Yup. Not worried about rust, but anything over $5k seems too much.

Very cool, thanks!

Putin is reportedly dismayed as Cesar will use the whole trip to Braga ‘bout it.

They are easier to find if you look for a truck where one of the 6 exhaust sensors has failed sending it into limp mode...

Hard to stand out in a Honda?

just fantastic -right down to the earnest enthusiam of the PA guy. great stuff.

Will we ever know what happened? #Benghrillzi

Bullnose - get in early, are due soon: 80-87(?)

Does the car tell you politely when the door is ajar? So you can hear the disappointment?

Anyway you slice it, that is remarkable!

For a brief moment, I wondered if I could do it in my 85 F250.

all the stars!

I was all in for NP, and then I saw the wheels again and wondered “who does that,” shuddered at the thought of boy racer wannabe spray painting Maserati rims and thought better of it.

And if Becker is to be believed, existential crisis is rooted in the fear of our own finitude.

The intake feeds on your soul.