
“Thinkovation”, Q.E.D.

How does Rome fit into all this - both a personality and an advocate of Bayless in early years. Does “have a take- don’t suck” balance things out?

Wasn’t this posted somewhere here before? Still good.

I thought Jeff Bridges made a nice grandpa Kratos.

Where’s Green’s nut punch when you need it?

Draymond Peen and his fist of anger.

So lots of posts about Magic’s awful tweets, but they have also been very critical of Buss, too.

you speak the truth

Familiar with static manipulation in the box, but wondering if/when it becomes prevalent in the live sound signal chain? (is it already?)

The Cavs are getting hot at the right time, too!

That is really cool,

This is so great. What’s the running total of parts fixed, etc?

Don’t you mean Fred Armisen?

Love it! (also, “assimulating” lol)

One you pass on the inside, the other, outside.

  • frenulum with eyes

Man, the internet is so fast that now the hot takes about the warriors are the hot takes about the warrior hot takes!

The Dodger’s relief pitching is so bad it’s now losing games for other teams.

Looks very cool, atractively priced, but other than being on basic 4/4 beat there didnt seem much connection to the music (particularly melody). Are there ways to increase/decrease the complexity of the landscape/action items?

To be fair, he did have a plexiglass intake.