
This has been Trump’s MO for literally every appointment thus far. The Attorney General is anti voting rights. The head of the EPA denies climate change. The Labor Department will be run by a union-buster. A guy who hates affordable housing programs will lead HUD.

I’ve been listening to a podcast about the Civil War. As a foreigner I didn’t learn much about American history in school and now that I live here I feel the need to learn it in order to understand the country better. And forgive my naiveté but I had no idea racism and white supremacy were so deeply ingrained into the

Я упомянул неглазированный фарфор

So between the news yesterday, and Trump’s latest pick, it’s pretty much confirmed that Trump is a Russian agent, right?

I went out, had the lobster bisque, we elected Trump and yadda, yadda, yadda, Я никогда не говорил по-английски снова.

i would love to see a first lady named mulva

Look, IDGAF what Trump chooses to do in his “spare time”. Yes, absolutely Presidents have a right to leisure activities. However, producing a TV show is a job, not a leisure activity. Not only is it a job, it’s a job that creates a DIRECT CONFLICT OF INTEREST with NBC. Any and all reporting done by NBC, affiliates,

That’s how many votes Clinton leads Trump by and it continues to grow.

What’s good for America is a revolution. These people are wasting those heads, I suggest we remove them post haste.

Pull up your big girl socks. Our people (I’m Native American, you’re an immigrant) have dealt with much much worse. You’re here & I’m here bc our ancestors dealt with genocide, smallpox epidemics, violence, rape, and severe prejudice. The least we can do is pull it together and fight this bullshit.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

We are all watching a reality show called “Who Wants To Help Me Destroy A Country?”

I am boycotting his speaking. I didn’t watch the victory speech. Didn’t watch 60 minutes. I didn’t watch this video. I won’t watch any speeches of his, because I know they are all bullshit. He means none of what he says. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about and watching his crap will do nothing but ruin my day.

Man we’re gonna need a loooooooot of L7 and Bikini Kill to get through this shit.

Interesting! I want to know more about how to do this too. I filled out a few applications on Trump’s Now Hiring website last night. Boaty McBoatface applied for Marine Mammal Commission and Ku Klux Klan applied for a shit ton of jobs.

We should all register as Muslims if it comes to that. An “I am Spartacus moment,” if you will.