
You think we’ll all get dumber listening to Trump speak the next four years?

Get your thyroid tested.

I feel the same way. I’ve been around since the mid 1950s, and President Obama is the best president of my lifetime. I’m so sad to lose him as president but very happy for him and his family. It looks like they’re getting excited about getting their freedom back. I’m hoping that Malia will go to Columbia and they’ll

I know of only one way for a feminist to vote: go into the voting booth, select a candidate, squat on the voting machine, and use those strong vaginal muscles to pull that lever.

I think the “special place in hell” thing can apply on a personal level. Like if you are in a position to help lift another woman up or look out for her, yes, do that! Example - if you see a woman being harassed in the workplace and you’re her supervisor, you do not let that shit slide! I do not, anyway. Or if you’re

The worst thing about meeting different kinds of people is that you start to think of them as, in fact, people.


Castle of the Winds was a great timewaster on early Windows PCs. Good times. It and Chips Challenge got me through computer class in middle school.

Bernie voted to deregulate swaps.... and that contributed to the collapse of lehman bros

John Adams: “I must study politics and war, that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, natural history and naval architecture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, tapestry, and porcelain.”

Fuck Tim McGinty for blaming a 12 year old for his own death and fuck the grand jury that failed to indict the trigger happy cops responsible.

So good....

“Redskins” is qualified as hate speech, and is not protected under the First Amendment. Further, trademarks are not a method of regulating speech, but rather a method of protecting terms that reference specific products; rescinding a trademark does not restrict speech, but rather opens up an avenue of speech for those

oh man... here’s MY crack right here:

For emphasis: