
All know is that it’s my birthday.

If I weren’t at work, I’d insert a pic of the MeowMeowBeenz cult and mention we already know how this will work out.

Here is a good opinion piece on why so many killers are male and fit this guy’s profile.

You’re welcome. As to the content of your post, these are really a separate breed of GOP compared to their small government cousins. Notice the name of the session

“The licenses were denied because neither of the facilities has written patient- transfer agreements with local hospitals, a requirement for outpatient centers like abortion clinics. Two years ago, the state banned abortion centers from entering into such agreements with public hospitals, which forced the Planned


And while were at it start taxing churches

I almost feel like, if you willingly signed up for Trump University, you deserve what you got?

Didn’t the core of the Dred Scott case regard whether Scott could be considered a citizen of the United States as a country?

The safest thing you can do is live your life, unashamedly, and stand up for yourself because you are great.

I’ve been on this wine tour. It’s literally 2 hours of crazy drunk white ladies tripping on pills.

Okay seriously I have been to Napa Valley and although I’ve never been on the wine train, literally every single place in Napa is white women getting drunk and being loud. Every where. Even French Laundry. And that place is hoity toity af.

Welllll... not projecting, so let’s get the psychoanalysis out of the way. He’s welcome to talk to ME, and I’ll shut that shit down because I’m polite but I didn’t pay $700 to be stuck talking to strangers, which is my personal nightmare as an introvert. Some women are less likely to be ok with saying no, though, even

Do you see how it’s about relieving your boredom vs. inconveniencing another human who maybe was really looking forward to having time to herself? Think about that. It’s not her job to entertain you.

Respond with this:

I never liked Men In Tights.

Keep in mind, Rick Santorum’s wife had a second-trimester abortion to save her life. So he’s a shitbag.

This is why the Planned Parenthood I went to refused to even do this. I asked about it and they said it made them more of a target for the protesters so they just threw everything out. Wonderful how in this country people freak out over tissue that is being thrown away! I hate people.

SoOoOo...I know I’m just one random internet commenter dude but....even if PP was doing what the video purported to catch them doing....Is it bad that I just don’t care, like, at all?