
Friendly reminder that the US edition of Time Magazine sees its readers as idiots and is terrified of covering any issue of substance:

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Oh man I was just gonna post 2, but I just kept coming up with more.

Mad props to a commentator over at Kotaku named Arden who posted this gem:


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These three cubs had a little help from humans.

You're a bit backwards, here. GG was created specifically *for* harassing women - at the time, it was specifically Zoe Quinn, although it quickly spread to 'everyone who GG sees as a "SJW" scumbag'. It was only later that others began to claim, "Nuuu, it's about game journalism! It's totally a righteous cause!" even

Is it really about video games & pop culture or are we talking about zealous defenders of benevolent patriarchy.

This shit is getting ridiculous. You don't agree with the woman, fine. No one ever said she was a saint or perfect or her word was gosphel. But you're going to threaten to commit the biggest school shooting in history over this? REALLY!?

Back up. Don't you dare say "gamers are under siege" as if you speak for all of us. Most of us are grown-up enough not to be threatened by women. But GamerGate represents a vocal minority who respond by saying horrible, misogynistic crap. And frankly, when that is what you are about (and that IS what GamerGate is all

Ugh. I am so over the Nerd Persecution Complex. Gaming was never your secret clubhouse. Some of us have been here since the beginning, but were never accepted into the community because we weren't male or socially inept. Grow up. Find something else to define yourself by other than your electronic entertainment of

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Remember when you mused out loud that you wanted to see a mashup of the video for "Wrecking Ball" set to Peter Gabriel's "Sledgehammer" so I made it but then we never did anything with it? Here it is, the only gift I could give that's mildly worthy of your exit.

This is really infuriating. I am a high school history teacher and American history is my absolute favorite subject. I am also very American (ancestors came over on the Mayflower) and I have pride and interest in my background, WHILE ALSO constantly acknowledging and teaching the fucked up parts of US history. You can

All of this is fucking hideous and needs to burn. BURN I TELL YOU.

I managed to kill the first sim I played in Sims4 within an hour an a half. It wasn't intentional. :/

Saying the ideal amount of abortions each year would be zero is like saying the ideal amount of dental fillings would be zero. True, because who wants to have a medical procedure, but kind of pointless because you don't just not have a cavity filled. You don't just have a kid because, oh let's have less abortions.


Do I think it is morally repugnant to obtain an abortion in a lot of cases? Yes.

Lawrence's lawyers or the porn site's lawyers are 100% ignorant on this issue then. Her lawyer MUST submit a DMCA claim. That's the law. It is very simple, they must include all required facilities of the DMCA in the DMCA notification to the porn site. From there it's essentially prescriptive.

Some of us get arrested for allowing our 9-year-olds to play at the park so we can go to work. And some of us get published articles in the NY Sun and an interview on the Today show for allowing our 9-year-olds to take the subway alone.…