
I went to Goucher with these two. They were a couple years behind me. Max and I had classes together but I found him wholly insufferable, as did many people.

Ultimately, Magz' decision to come out with her story is not about Max so much as the culture of silence around sexual assault and harassment at our alma mater

Mental cleansing thread:

I'm pretty sure it is Charles Manson.

Manson? Manson.

I really think we need like a million of these. Like, woman walks down the sidewalk on a busy commute day, and is shocked to find that people don't run into her. Even when she tests the waters by throwing herself in their path, people dodge hurriedly out of her way! She goes home and is talking about it with her

No. It just has to be good. Pacific Rim was not good. Derivative dreck that can make the masses "ooh" and "ahh" for a couple of hours, but not good.

And for the snarky misanthrope, might I recommend:

No plane. Only burning debris from the collapse of 2 skyscrapers which set the building o fire and weakened its structure to the point of collapse.

After reviewing everything, it seems that he plead guilty to "tampering with a consumer product" and "mail fraud", which together would be a max sentence of about 8 years.

I accidentally had sex to this last night. We had plugged into the TV, turned it on, and got busy. Mid coitus, looked up and BOOM. Luckily, neither myself nor the mister could figure out why a wedding was being broadcast at 9:30PM on ABC, and kept at it- But we did pause for discussion. But it was hella weird

My 15-yr old self is dying, if this is 'useless' pub trivia rather than just known/loved/accepted.

As an artist, I can sum up my feelings in a few gifs.

But what the fuck is needy anyway? It means having needs. The connotation, of course, is that you have too many needs, but it's tough to find an exact number of needs it's OK to have.

When I first dated my husband I was a "needy" girl who didn't mind asking for what she needed. But looking back I regret not respecting that my husband wasn't a needy guy. The more he pulled back the harder I held on. It worked out just fine for us (went away once we moved in together), but I do wish I had compromised

This is why I roll my eyes every time I hear some centrist-ass Jon Stewart type smirk about how Fox and MSNBC are two sides of the same credibility-free coin. I readily admit MSNBC has plenty of loud dicks who are clearly only there out of some misguided need to beat Fox at the game they invented, but there is no

Oh my. You had me until Night Circus. That book is the worst! Beautifully written and great imagery, but the character development is terrible, there is ZERO plot, and nothing ever fucking happens. I cannot read books without plot, tension, or a climax. And really, the love story was contrived (meaning, there was

Age: 15 (His age: 19? Maybe?)