
I agree that the film was not good, but perhaps if they do stretch it out, we’d actually get to know more about the characters and why they’re there, letting us care about what happens instead of just being hit over the head with one giant extended metaphor

In case it needs to be said again, everyone who works for Trump should know that if you say ANYTHING critical about him publicly, he will immediately throw you under the bus. The only people immune from this are his kids, because they will be unquestioningly loyal so as to not jeopardize their inheritance. Everyone

She needs to meditate and do some “ohm”s

Weren’t most of Warhol’s prints on paper? And wouldn’t an original canvas be far more valuable than the 300k mentioned? Definitely going with fake here

So I skimmed it, and the story is entirely believable, which I guess is good, but is this actually supposed to be an example of good writing? Am I missing something here? Is it a New Yorker thing?

I’m gonna blow your mind here with three words: chicken bacon cheeseburger. You might not be able to do it anymore since they’ve ditched their value menu, but if they still have it, you order a bacon mcdouble and a dollar chicken sandwich, combine the two and throw out the extra bun. Pure fast food heaven.

It means buying them things so that they have sex with you, because that’s how these rich patriarchal fucks think it works (because women don’t work, at least not the hot ones amiright?)

This would be the greatest development ever. Since he wasn’t actually trying to be Speaker, every time something goes wrong with his presidency, he can legitimately say “I wasn’t even supposed to be here!”

What *exactly* do you think Trump was trying to point out? Please be specific, as this is very important to understand.

Can we get an amendment on this to ban bump stocks, lower receiver milling kits, and any other accessory designed to skirt regulations already on the books?

This was my precise reaction this morning. I still can’t fathom either the horror of what happened, or the the completely hollow and inappropriate response from djt.

This is how you console someone who lost a loved one to old age, not how you respond to a domestic right wing terror incident. He really doesn’t know how to be human, does he?

Cockcunt. This guy is a Cockcunt.

You’re all wrong, he doesn’t look like a comic book villain, he’s actually Leland Palmer’s doppelganger. Any day now his hair will turn white overnight and he’ll have a dead body in his trunk.

“D’you know hu d’ek I am? “

When I was in high school, 25 years ago almost, I overheard one soccer coach talking to another about how the NRA would insure his guns for the cost of his yearly membership, which was cheaper than adding them to whatever other insurance policy he had, so he (laughingly, while explaining this) joined the NRA!

Usually I can parse Trump tweetspeech, not this time, no clue what the source of this nonsense is.

The best parts of PLL are when they do completely obvious homages, like when they actually popped their heads around the corner one on top of another a la Scooby Doo. Such delicious cheese! Even the parts that make zero sense are fun just to see what random twist they throw in just to prolong things another