Gonna see it this weekend #waitingforgadot
Gonna see it this weekend #waitingforgadot
Think of the military contractors people! Why won’t anyone think of the military contractors?!
Don’t you see? You can’t post yourself up by your own bootstraps if your hands are full of groceries
Hey numbnuts, this too is probably an outcome of toxic masculinity.
The violent rejection thing with Dong seemed like a slapstick depiction of immaturity
I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. He was really angry that he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, ‘There’s no reason for this.’
Can’t say that I’m really enjoying the film at all, but for some reason the soundtrack is awesome https://ourfirst100days.bandcamp.com
Jared is not actually in charge of any of those monumental tasks and responsibilities. He is simply the barrier between the people who want to work on those issues and Trump, who has no interest in working on any of those issues. This accomplishes both keeping away folks who might veer from the Trump agenda such as…
Can you elaborate on these British laws? I wasn’t aware of anything pre-19th century that would have applied to the colonies. Just curious.
He’s absolutely right. I mean for the price of an iPhone, you could absolutely buy health insurance for a month. If people just stopped buying that new phone every month, they could easily have health insurance. I really don’t see what the problem is.
If they make it a refundable tax credit, you get it no matter how little you make/pay in taxes. But it’s still an unfunded hatchet job that has no chance of fixing anything, and making people pay up front and then get a refund on it isn’t practical, whereas the Obamacare subsidies actually WORKED, because they could…
Since half of them believe that we are already in the end times, they see the earth as a temporary place, while the truly Christian thing to do is defend God’s people from the tyrrany of godless international agreements. The other half just think owning half of everything is proof that they are God’s chosen ones, and…
This absolutely needs to happen at some point. Tonight might be a little too early to pull it out, but someone has to do this eventually
Obviously, Sean Spicer is the leak. He doesn’t know it though. He has a split personality Jekyll & Hyde thing going on. He needs to start investigating himself. He’ll probably find a whole other life he’s been living. Phones, apartment, underground fighting ring, you name it.
Sphincter or not, banning smoking in dorms was probably the least shitty thing one could be heckled in print for. I am definitely on Sphincter’s side here.
They did, but it was subtle. In the People’s Court skit, Putin does it to him
As god awful as this is, it couldn’t have happened to a better breakfast. The thing is by design a horrific display of religious zealotry cloaked behind fake political modesty. If Donald Trump succeeds in destroying this event through his narcissistic blundering, that alone will be one decent accomplishment of his.
This is good. A foolhardy investigation that wastes federal resources and embarrasses the executive branch is exactly what we need. Get congressional republicans on board to allocate funding for it and the attack ads write themselves. “Representative _______ wasted $xx million of our taxes on a wild goose chase to…
This is an important piece of info, because it underlines what a completely petty piece of shit djt is. I doubt he gets off on watching women urinate (but who knows) but he DEFINITELY gets off on imagining his enemies being humiliated.
Senate Democrats need to do two things: