Can this mobile app die already? It’s just such a tease.
Can this mobile app die already? It’s just such a tease.
They kind of ditched the concept of creating a world for players to exist in. They have questing zones, pvp zones, and dungeon zones with no way for them to interact. Even worse, they’ve made them all incredibly accessible to the point players are simply choosing which one of three games they feel like playing at any…
Don’t know that Melee fans talk shit as much as they do acknowledge the game’s shortcomings, similarly to how Melee fans acknowledge Melee’s own shortcomings.
Thank you. Hearthstone is janky as fuck.
This game has a toxic community
when a new game exists
Erhgiez had a great dungeon crawler. That is all I played it for.
It’s funny that Biggs’ dialogue set himself up to be named by the player as a primary party member, only to have Cloud shoot it down. I can see why the English explicitly states “I don’t care what your names are” haha.
They did shake hands, it happened behind the monitor, below the camera’s line of sight.
How many people hating on this guy supported his Youtube channel by watching the linked video?
Character design alone makes me never want to look at this game again.
It sounds like you don’t play Melee.
The writing and storyboards are horrendous. Whoever is at the helm of this had maybe a few cool ideas but no vision.
It’s cringey. The opening animation is the only thing worth Netflix’s investment.
Not really upset about it’s portrayal of Christianity. More upset that I want to see some amazing Castlevania story-telling and instead have to listen to some neck-beard bitch about Christianity instead. Its not even one line, it’s abundant enough it feels like every scene of each episode I’m reminded of the writer’s…
Haha, I meant “run with GS” figuratively; as in, you should be fine to disregard implementing stealth tactics into you’re hunting.
Oh man. Returning to the same Monster that made you flee like a Shaka-laka with your GS between your legs only to fill them with lead is such a salty-sweet dynamic.
I think we’re getting a re-visioning of the first two. I feel like I’m in Jr. High again :)
The Monster design and their A.I. looks vastly improved from older games. The more I see the more I believe this game is going to invoke the same feeling that MHF2 on the PSP did for me. Monster Hunter has always been a series of passion, I never lose faith that the dev. team will put out a stellar piece of work.
I’m sure the game will let you run with GS swinging.