Rage of ManBearPig

first sharknados now, Sharkberg?? Sharksicles?? Sharkvalanche??

I love how fanboys are throwing a Kylo Ren fit over a movie whose main message was: “let go of the past”, because it didn´t conform to previous movies.

Can someone please explain to me why did Luke died? not story wise, but the actual cause of death?. Was it hereditary broken hearth disease? Was it exhaustion from astro proyecting? was it congenital plot convenience?

Well to spoil further, I´m more pissed that Leia didn´t die, it made no sense, story or logistically wise and felt like a cop out. 

Just do what I did with the prequels, pretend it doesn´t exist, pop in the original trilogy and fast forward over the horrible new CGI they added

The problem with this portrayal of Luke is that it negated all the character growth in Empire and Jedi. He was as if the Luke at the end of Hope would´ve aged and become the Luke in The last Jedi without learning anything from Yoda and confronting Vader. Patience, hope, etc. Even Yoda tells him the same line from

Well not defending the movie, but Elves were an allegory for white Christians since Tolkien first came up with them, Dwarves were the Jews and Orcs were the dirty scary monsters from the middle east.  

You do know that actors change their appearance depending of the role they´re in, and that currently he is working on the sequel to Split,where he is a buff psycho.

Wow, method

*ahem* T2 *ahem*

James Cameron, an easily-irritable man who is also kind of a dick, sounds like he’s sick and tired of answering questions about Titanic—arguably the best movie he’s made in his entire career.

Yes, the smell in ehhh“my kids” room, gotcha

dont go

Could´ve gone any number of ways

- Pilot: Tower, permision to draw giant Penis in the sky.

My bet is you can do 0-60 in 1.9s OR get 600 miles range, but not both

So many red flags on the first 3 or 4 sentences alone.

what would be the point, she was famous for like 10 minutes in 2002. There are actual dead celebrities that would make a thousand times more sense to get a double for, on account of actually being profitable, Allyah, Layne Staley, Chris Cornell.

Maybe, but then there is the glaring weakness of the Klingon ships, if you could just transport anything right after they decloak, why not just do that to all other ships?

I bet 20 bars of gold-pressed latinum they´re in the mirror universe.