My only question is, if they have time to transport Burham and Tyler to the klingon ship as it de-cloaks, couldn´t they just beam a couple of warheads instead? I mean, over elaborate plans are cool and all, but come on...
My only question is, if they have time to transport Burham and Tyler to the klingon ship as it de-cloaks, couldn´t they just beam a couple of warheads instead? I mean, over elaborate plans are cool and all, but come on...
Ok, you know these allegations are getting out of hand when someone acuses America´s Internet Dad of sexual misconduct. Who´s next? Tom Hanks?
First 2 paragraphs read like a big FUCK YOU to North Korea
Build more SCV´s/Drones/Probes and send them to the mineral fields, DUH
Well TBH, I agree with you, that being said If I was her and I had the chance to get a nice paycheck from porsche I would totally go for it, I can´t blame her
If Ygrite tells you to dress like a retarded transvesti, you shut up and do it
Because nerds obsess over every minute detail, having the irrational need to rationalize everything in canon.
Wait, didn´t Harley just bought Ducati from under VW?
Well there was also the hilarious own goal by Ochoa in Honduras, I mean if it wasnt because the US did their partin by losing to T&T I would call it a conspiracy
Stop calling it soccer for one thing
Well, the perfect storm happened yesterday, a ghost goal in Panama, a own goal in Honduras, and at the center an embarrazing loss to T&T. The silver lining is, some stupid shit will happen in Football (the one you play with your hands) and everyone will forget about Football (the one you play with your feet).
I don´t blame them, I forgot everything about this movie 5 minutes after leaving the theater
Damn, Lynda is 66 and she just keeps getting hotter, she should´ve played an amazon in WW. #GILF
we’ll be subjected to some kind of cringe-worthy “young Spock” cameo.
Jackie Chang
This Jet was designed to go into a specific zone, one that is of danger, you might call it, a ...