People say things like that forgetting there are still 70's, 80's and 90's shit boxes that are even slower and go about their business no problem at all.
People say things like that forgetting there are still 70's, 80's and 90's shit boxes that are even slower and go about their business no problem at all.
Embarrassing losses to Central American minnows
Well what did you expect?
Southpark called it.
Nope, still doesn’t feel real
Dodging hellfire missiles?
Highschool me would be imprezed
They had jobs with Obama... Thanks Trump
She is the one from Agents of Shield?
Well eventually the sun will expand and engulf the Earth, so it doesn’t matter.
giat turbos, the solution to all problems
I don’t know, part of the beauty of a turbo car is this duality, if you learn to ride the lower rpms, you get dr. Jekyll, a tame calmed ride; but once you get to the sweets spot you awake Mr. Hyde, you get endless torque dropped on you. So you can hypermille it if you want or drive like an idiot, your choice. Guess…
Is the Anime ever coming back?
There is a coma patient waking up today, wondering if he is actually dead or if they’re pranking him.
Damn it China we said no Dynametric Tail fins
Can’t wait to not afford this
Every Honda that brags about Vtec, yes variable valve timing has been around since the 70's, good for you.
Only if you promise not to instantly flip it for millions upon millions
But does he has a “presidential” look?
Mustang owners, please ignore crowds, trees, curbs, laws, safety, common sense...