Rage of ManBearPig

I just saw that this morning

Please don’t be a generic jump scare shooting galery.


I remember that from Call of Duty 4, but for the life of me can’t remember who said it.

No Honda CBR250R? or the new Yamaha R3?

That’s Texas for you, the white Somalia

“Most of Ultron’s lines made me laugh. Great villain, overall.” Am I the only one that thinks Ultron is pretty much this guy:

Say what you want about his turkey, its one cool looking turkey.

I know how awesome this car is and all, but in the looks department its like a 300zx with a hideous bodykit

That was completely different

I can imagine the coms:

No Lada?

USS Stannis currently docked at DragonStone

oh snap, I just hope its not his wife.

Thats what happen when you care more about the money and the record than about winning a fight, Pacquiao as well, he just wanted a paycheck, there was no hunger on either side. I’m waiting for a young up and coming guy to come a knock Mayweather on his ass, bue I huess that’ll never happend as he will never give

Mid engine, rear wheel drive turtle. Add a tiny mp3 player that makes blow off valve sounds

Oh, the staring matches we will have!!

*Slow clap*

ok, I’m tired of the future, I’m ready for Modern Warfare 4

With a dash of Crysis