Is it because it doesn’t have a FOB slider?
Is it stock? I mean hamstrung to 276 hp? or has it reached its final form?
My only clue that this is not Halo 4 is the assortment of grenades, I guess they’re using H4 assets
I really doubt that if JK lends his Ferrari would dare not selling him the next one. Too much bad press.
What I assume is that Ferrari knows that the P1 and/or 918 is faster, and don’t want them compared and contrasted on track, I’m sure Ferrari has either some detectivesque or super high tech way of finding out (bribing someone to get the Vin#, or tracking it by GPS). Its not like they couldn’t call every single La…
Here is an idea, get a kickstarter, and have every single Petrolsexual who wants to make this happen donate $5, we buy a LaFerrari, give it a Nyan Cat livery and when Ferrari send us a Cease and Desist / Ban us from buying another limited edition we collectively tell them to go fuck themselves. We even give it to…
So they just riced it up to 11, and gave the finger to everyone by not adding what literally all of them was asking for?
says who
not really
"The work ethic never slipped" Except you know, that one time one employee punched a producer.
He is the Hero Mordor needs, not the one it derserves
I showed Doom II to my GF's 11 year old brother, thinking it would have the same effect it had on me when I was 11 years old, he played about 2 minutes complained about the graphics and demanded we play Fifa or some shit. That is why civilization is coming to an end.
Lets see, list of jobs that we know for sure Clarkson can do: