
My 78 Bronco will start in drive, but not park.  I think it’s the neutral safety switch. 

Cant say I’m surprised. Anyone remember her reaction to that country singer with the girlfriend on American Idol?

Where does North Korea get its materials from? Who supplies them with the necessary tools and equipment to keep this up? 

Take off the handlebars, make the base a little longer so you can ride it like a snowboard, add in a wired can controller for brakes and gas, and you got yourself a deal.

I know it’s a rebodied Wrangler, but all I ever see when these come up is an FJ Cruiser

the “buying a hat two sizes too large so you can tuck the tops of your ears into it” things has got to go too.  that shit makes me cringe way too hard.

Whats your recommendation? No snark, just curious.

Whats your recommendation? No snark, just curious.

Aaaaaaaaand the “results” will be presented to us in a “click here to buy from Amazon” sort of format.

Aaaaaaaaand the “results” will be presented to us in a “click here to buy from Amazon” sort of format.

My fiance was recently rear-ended in her Mercedes and, because of her short build, she was quite literally punched in the back of the head by the headrest. Mercedes have headrests that, when adjusted properly, spring forward in a crash, supposedly to cradle the neck correctly. The only issue is that if you’re too


There’s a couple things I don’t mind paying full price for on trusted brands.  Anything that goes in or around my eyes is on that list.

octdruggist” yeah ok. 

Wear sandals.  Case closed.

I think I actually landed the plane exactly once.  Don’t think we really ever saw what stage 2 was all about.

Loooooooong shadoooooooooows ftw

And no mention of the mailbox??

No doubt this is horrible. But, maybe close the door instead of stand there and film?

That name though.  Truckla?  They don’t call the car version the Carla.  

No matter how tough he wants to act, this dude will ALWAYS be the skinny kid from DeGrassi in my eyes.

Whats the speed of one of these things with just the engine and coal car with nothing being towed?