Fun fact: Chicago isn’t called the “Windy City” because it’s fucking windy. It’s called that because it was notoriously known for the hot air coming out of politicians mouths.
Fun fact: Chicago isn’t called the “Windy City” because it’s fucking windy. It’s called that because it was notoriously known for the hot air coming out of politicians mouths.
Craziness. Half the fun of any sport is letting the other guy know how badly you just crushed him(her).
I don’t really care what it looks like all that much, if it doesn’t have a removable roof, they can go straight to hell.
Every time I try to cook for the week I always have something come up, dinner with so and so, lunch with office peeps, and all that food just goes to waste.
Beyhive?! God help us all.
Not. One. Person. Flinched.
“I came out of the Dollar General store and the lady that works there said call nine-one-one and we looked over there and holy moly was in that red car face in that way the two girls had done has done bailed out the car that fast and they’re trying to say that the redheaded girl was driving was that’s a lie it was the…
So why isn’t this mag-lev?
I sweat more on my legs and backside than anyone I know. Even my knees and shins sweat. Pro-tip: Use cold water, cold metal, cold anything and apply it to the inside of your wrists and/or back of your hand. Blood vessels are closer to the skin here and cooling your blood here helps to cool off your entire body.
Insert “guy clapping in the theater” gif here
I’m no engineer, but I’d like to see the shape of the capsule a little more oval width wise to allow for more interior room. I’d venture to say the aerodynamics would still be on par with the circular shape.
Matte grey was beautiful, but that wheel/tire combo is horrific. I can’t imagine the ride quality on those super low pro tires. Yikes.