I love how butthurt half my FB feed got over that video. I live in Texas, so any implication that some white person might have privilege pretty much activates the outrage machine. It’s delicious.
I love how butthurt half my FB feed got over that video. I live in Texas, so any implication that some white person might have privilege pretty much activates the outrage machine. It’s delicious.
A word of advice? RUN. Run like the wind.
Um, I know you’re excited and all, but those big festive red Love Banners? They’re a sea of Red Fucking Flags.
your family got food poisoning EVERY THANKSGIVING and never caught on??
Also the fact that this guy is horrified for his mother to find out he even DRINKS and has to hide THAT from her puts up some more major red flags for me I mean...I understand belief systems and how parents with strict religious belief systems may be disappointed in their child if they also do not adhere to that…
I’ll never forget the first Thanksgiving that my oldest brothers girlfriend (now his wife) came for dinner. She said some words that changed my life forever.
Let’s get this straight: a married guy with small kids spends Thanksgiving sneaking off to send texts to his girlfriend...
Our family only does the big feed at Thanksgiving. Christmas (Eve) we all bring fancy appetizers and sweets and just graze all night.
We had a couple of international visitors ask us at work on Wednesday what Thanksgiving was about.
Ditto. I’ve been seeing that video get shared around, the one where a beautiful native woman’s reaction to “Christopher Columbus” is the flip off the camera. Ha! I think that’s the one too where all the natives are playing word association with early colonization keywords. *sigh A complicated day.
I can’t remember which Jez sub-blog it was, but there was this poor lady who had written in to an advice column something like “My boyfriend was in this wedding I saw on Facebook with his ex, but he said it was for a snowblower commercial in his homeland of Freezistan where it’s too cold for me to ever visit so I’m…
This is my definition of Thanksgiving (OK, not MINE): You invite your neighbors over for a big festive meal, then afterwards steal all of their land and murder them.
I'm American Indian so Thanksgiving is the holiday where we give thanks our tribe survived.
I did the family hockey pucks as a kid. I asked how long to microwave the rolls - put them in for 10, Mom said. So I did. Around 9 minutes later, she found out why units are important...
Are you me? Like, actually, up until I was maybe 12, I would get sick with something every single damn holiday. Chicken pox, stomach flu, you name it. The worst was one Christmas, when I was laid out on the couch at my grampa’s couch. At this point in time, my aunt and her husband were very much abusing drugs but no…
Every family has had rolls turn into “Hockey Pucks” at least once. The true horror is the my shithead cousin that has been asking “who brought the hockey pucks this year” for the last 30 years. Fuck you Jason, I hope your wife doesn’t introduce this stupid anecdote to her new in-laws.
When I was sixteen, my whole family got together at our house for Thanksgiving. This is a big extended family, all of whom are complete drunks. I was in my hippie phase and used to like to make people sit around and listen to me play the guitar and sing Dar Williams songs (sorry, guys). After a particularly…
My family is super duper chill so in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t even that bad. But it is my favourite thanksgiving story!
So first boyfriend, first sit down dinner with the family. We were 19. It really wasn’t that big of a deal, since my parents had seen him drunk, puking, and passed out already but for…
Last year my brother’s fiance’s daughter’s boyfriend declared Natives a “pestilence”.