
there’s nothing to reply to here because the comment was a troll comment. of course there is nothing of the sort going on in *america*. we don’t stone people here, and if somehow this happened locally you bet jimbob the sheriff and the local news would be all over it.

I’m pretty sure Muslim leaders have not been stoning gays in the US, so I’m not sure on the point of that comment?

Although US evangelical preachers have been vocally active in places like Uganda, where their activities act to support and encourage violent homophobia there.

The reality is that fundamentalist religious

How much stoning do you think happens on US soil, exactly...?

Why not both?

There are, in fact, pastors who advocate for violence against minorities and who use their pulpits and social media as platforms to do so. Google it yourself; that should be easy even for you. There is an even larger number of religious figures who use their churches and religions ceremonies to further discrimination

Okay islamaphobe, please point out when in U.S. history Muslims were stoning women and gays here in the states?

What Muslim leaders in America are stoning women and gays?

Oh I’m sorry, are Imams in Texas or Alabama suddenly stoning women and I didn’t hear about it?

It was the mayor. She asked to see them to see if they were enourging their parishioners to vote a certain way, in this case against a non discrimation ordinance. Churches aren’t suppose to be politically active.

That’s not quite what happened. It was Houston (the mayor is gay, not the governor), and city attorneys subpoenaed any sermons, speeches, or anything of that nature that talked specifically about HERO. Some pastors were using their pulpits to gather signatures for a petition to stop HERO, and city attorneys were just

First off, nobody mentioned actual violence by a pastor or other religious leader. You did. And show me one place in America that this has happened without law enforcement getting involved. One.

me when u try to pop off

Does Trump not remember four actual days ago, when half of the Republican frontrunners went to a religious event that advocated the murder of people based on sexuality? Please, President Trump, shut them down first.

Her look says, “Try me, habibi!”

I was a goth kid, and if my goth friends weren’t at school, I sat by myself. Sitting by yourself is really goth.

YES. And I just fell down the rabbit hole of googling “fun hijabs”. Will report back soon.

This patriotic hijab wearing woman is the boss and with everything in the news making me sad and angry, her bad-assery is like a soothing balm.

And “christian” churches are “hotbeds” of misogynistic political speech, sometimes leading to violence. Should we be allowed to go into those as well and arrest pastors?

As a former goth kid, maybe? One thing was for certain: if they goths rejected you, you were truly off the rails. We accepted pretty much anyone. You had to be straight dangerous for us to avoid you.

One of my classmates wore a hijab with Batman symbol on it. I used to think that was the epitome of cool, but I don't know, this lady is giving her a hard run for her money and