
one of my work friends is turning out to be the biggest gay bigot I’ve ever met. it confuses the hell out of me but gay doesn’t mean “nice” I guess

Don’t worry. Now that they can get married, tons of them are happy to express their real political selves and come out as conservative bigots.

Word. Whoooole lotta people on “our” side who would be good, hateful Republicans if not for the accident of their sexuality.

This is complete and utter bullshit.

One article about the current case mentions speculation about pregnancy denial. The woman is being tested by several psychologists. She and her husband also had other children that were raised normally.

So presumably, this woman was pregnant 8 times, gave birth 8 times, and no one was like “Huh, where are all these babies going?” Did she just truck through 8 pregnancies and births by herself? This is weird. The whole thing is weird. Time to go watch Too Cute.

All I have to pull from is my goat brethren.

Ask and you shall receive.

Gawker After Dark: liquor, chocolate and antidepressants strongly recommended.

There was a similar case, also in Germany, years ago where the woman had hidden the corpses of several babies in planting pots. She grew herbs in them and used them for cooking. When the husband heard that in court he vomited right then and there.

Ohmygod Jezebel, Gawker, ALL OF YOU STOP IT.

But the republicans are for smaller government! Unless it concerns a woman’s body...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

I cried reading Flowers for Algernon. No shame.

On a commuter train home. I was reading the final book in a series I loved and it seemed as if the beloved main character was dead. I was legit sobbing. Don’t judge me, I get really attached to book characters.

Good. I hope they see it as the shady dodge around the constitution that it is. “Protecting women’s health,” my ass. They just want to bring us back to the good old pre-Roe days where desperate women died at the hands of back-alley hacks, or by their own hands.

This. Is. Fucking. Important.

I’m at best an agnostic, but this is worth prayer. Prayer for clarity of conscience on the part of the justices. Prayer for reproductive freedom. Prayer that our country won’t regress into a state where unsafe, illegal procedures are women’s only choice in controlling their own bodies.


It’s scary but I read elsewhere that the case landed with Justice Kennedy, which increases the scary aspect EXCEPT (as per ThinkProgress):

Great, can’t wait for some men to make important decisions about women’s healthcare.