
The last time I tried to flex my fandom I was wrong, but If Harley was 5 or 6, that’s 10-11 years ago, and he had smoked week like 3 times his entire life before making Zack and Miri with Seth Rogen, which was in 2008 (I know, released in 2008, but I would think this story might still pre-date his now obsessive

It was definitely a great episode, and it might be a scenario we have to deal with if we ever develop sentient artificial intelligence.

Yeah it seems like the actual mechanics (huh huh hah hah huh) of it would be easier with the vacuum.

I’m going to go out on a totally wild limb and say that since the vacuum has a nozzle, you can probably stick a dick in it.

This headline immediately made me think of “The Measure of a Man,” one of the best ever episodes of TNG, imo.

HAHAHHA wasn’t it also like a custard machine or something?

best episode ever

What’s that robot vacuum thing from the Telletubies? I have a finger puppet of it.

My feelings towards my phone are like a Star Trek Holodeck episode that warns you about falling in love with technology.


Other research shows people may experience feelings of intimacy toward technology because our brains aren’t necessarily hardwired for life in the 21st century.”

I feel like that concern that people will prefer robots to animals and people is an old boogeyman. Facebook and email and apps haven’t stopped us from having relationships with other humans. They’ve given us different ways to interact with them. Some people end up spending more time with their phones than their

Humans May Empathize With Robots, May One Day Prefer Them to People

Robots aren’t typically programmed to be sexist, racist, or bigoted in any way. That already makes them more tolerable than many, many humans.

I for one welcome our robot feline overlords.

I prefer throw pillows to a lot of humans.

I am forever grey but check this out from the other-greys below (I wanted to tell someone not-grey so it didn’t get missed):

I hope it’s something to with the fact that the last story didn’t REALLY have Santa Claus in it. Not the real one at least. It’s mean to lie to children like that.

I don’t know if I’m Pinkham’s Lawing myself or not. I find Holly’s story amusing, but if I were the owner of that coffee shop, I’d shit a gold brick to find someone who doesn’t actually work there working there and getting burned and whatnot. Huge liability issues at play. Then again, if that kind of stuff was allowed