
Drama Queen much ?

Like you and most of the other posters 

Poor little snowflake

Lots of panty bunching here. LOL

Stop with the “undocumented” crap. They are here illegally. That said there has to be a more humane way to handle this and still enforce the laws. Where were the articles and hyper media attention when this happened under Bush and Obama ? How many of these kids actually traveled with their parents as opposed to

You just answered that lol

I don’t think that’s reserved for office potlucks. I try to avoid them in general.

Marshmallow or Cat chow ?

Well the implication is that Bennett bolted after seeing the Police officers turn his direction. A case could be made for either scenario. He was trying to avoid the officers or he was simply fleeing the Casino.

Players are exercising their rights. Just as I and my family do by booing them for it

While noble, it doesn’t supersede the law. The officer clearly should have handled this differently. It did not need to escalate the way it did.

Are they committing a disproportionate amount of crimes ?

That policy isn’t the law. If this is a clear cut violation of 4th am rights, then let the courts sort it out. Hospital policy doesn’t supersede

Good. One less call they need to respond to

How much has the Clinton Foundation donated ?

Uh . . . right. Make sure the officers that patrol the area have your address. Wouldn’t want them wasting time responding to a call there.

Since when does cop bashing equate “good faith discussion” ? The cop in this instance was clearly wrong but this thread is about lynching him. Nothing more

Another snowflake is born

What if those groups are committing a disproportionate amount of the crimes ? Not saying they are but . . . what if ?

Fucking morality police. Have clear rules. Don’t like those rules then get the fuck out. Posters on both sides should have been given a timeout with the warning that if they persist they are banished from the island. It’s a private forum.