This response puts you in the same classroom
This response puts you in the same classroom
Unless you come to our ‘hood. We would love to put a beat down on them
LOL ! Illinois
You didn’t build those pitchforks !
Well those and that she’s an untrustworthy bitch
We are hooked on ebonics we are learning . . .
I guess you would know that from being on the other side of the bedroom wall
He could have shortened it to “No way to communicate”. It’s fine if he thinks the rough language vulgar and the lyrics offensive. But don’t attempt to evaluate based on YOUR values
I see they let convicts have “puter” time
So is this “opinion” piece. Yet another butt hurt snowflake
Just another name for the Obama phone
Funny stuff by someone who apparently idolizes an old white guy
On your side ? What side would that be ? The side that spews as much vitriol as another side ? The WE love you, WE have room under our tent for you but don’t piss us off side ?
She’s clearly abusing something
Hey if you want to see this as an eye for an eye kind of thing, I’m sure there are plenty of people willing to oblige you. Can you be counted on to be in front ?
I hope you have all of the mirrors covered
Because of course telling someone to go fuck themselves is such a liberal drive by thing to do. Public education at it’s finest
Funny coming from someone using PersnicketyPants as their pretend name
We musn’t mess with one’s feels
Funny as defined by you ? Ok . .