
Skip skiptunes and just get Bowtie ([]). Much the same functionality, plus Growl integration and custom themes.

Those of you looking for a video converter need look no farther than MPEG Streamclip ([]) - it's the go-to transcoder for most experienced editors (when in-app transcoding doesn't work). And it's FREE.

None at all. Handbrake is the best by far. Not so sure about Mac the Ripper, but in the times I've used it, it works.

Thankful yet again for my acquired resistance to Apple's "Ooooo SHINY" effect. I agree with hipersons: Thanks early adopters!

Yes, you're correct: it displaces water. But it IS minimally conductive, and it does NOT evaporate and it DOES act as a solvent and CAN damage many plastics, such as polycarbonate and clear polystyrene plastic (Also from WD40's own site).

Slow news day? Well, you're manufacturing your own news story here by selling this as usable and smart advice.

Flower. Pot. Smoker. That is all:[]

For those picky enough to want that pesky zazzle graphic removed: []

And those cool box graphics must really add to the aesthetic appeal of this solution as well, eh? ;)

Sure, in the desktop version. Try this app, or try visiting in a mobile browser - Yeah. None of that is available. I understand you can do all kinds of good stuff in the desktop version - I use it all the time. But the mobile app/webapp is horribly limited by comparison.

Problem is, this is just the web app. There is literally NO difference. And the web app is a gimped version as it is - no assigning tasks, no assigning due dates, etc. Not that exciting, when I get get more on my iPad by just opening the web app (the iPhone app isn't even universal, so it will pixel double on the

How about ereaders? There's precious little available there.

This is the theory I clicked through to see refuted (and the one I've heard the vast majority of the time) - I'd barely heard any talk about this "heat regulation" theory.

Added to my wishlist: The ability to reciprocate unwarranted bans by overzealous Giz moderators who shall remain nameless (unless I should happen to cough "random" syllables coughcoughSAMBIDDLEcoughcough). However, I have no desire for this wish to remain private - please notify me if you succeed! ;)

And posting this on Gizmodo puts trolling ahead of gadget news. Seriously Kristen, how is this possibly ANYTHING but a blatant troll for an obviously polarizing stance?

This can't come soon enough, although realistically pricing will probably be terrible initially.

Regardless of the real story behind this (bouncing UP stairs? Really?), something tells me gun and cannon myths will no longer be tested at the AC Bomb Range (or if so, perhaps they will think to point them AWAY from populated areas).

This seems to be addressing the issue of wasted energy, but what about bullet trajectory issues? Once there is no longer force behind the bullet (like when it's flying through the air) those holes would seem to cause significant drag, reducing range and accuracy, which is the whole point of adding rifling to begin

Now playing

I somewhat agree - it was an attempt to recall that age. Still wish Ben Kingsley would have played Freeze though - in the comics, he's a skinny genius, not a musclebound simpleton. Best line in Forever? "Holy rusted metal Batman!"

I didn't even compare Avid. I have no experience with it, just with FCP and PP. In my experience it seems that objectivity is somewhat compromised once a user settles on a particular platform though. Avid may very well have many benefits, but I can tell you from personal experience that (for me) FCP is perfectly