
Perhaps they can just change my username and password too - then I'll be freed from the obligations of posting there altogether.

Seems to me that doing this during the winter could also increase the risk of burst pipes in areas that experience extreme cold. This advice is a bit too nonspecific and nonchalant for my tastes - address the risks too please.

[] Beware the dangling participle... is failing. Lifehacker killed it.

You're right - I was thinking of Hostmonster. Sorry for that mixup!

Interesting. Although I would somewhat contest these results, since Hostgator and Bluehost are basically the same company. With a combined 50.14%, your results are pretty one-sided.

What's wrong with a duct tape bracelet?! We're LIFEHACKERS, for crying out loud. The stuff is almost a food group - why not give it a place of honor on one of our well-used soldering appendages?

You're all familiar with Johnny Chung Lee, I presume. If not, well, you probably wandered onto Lifehacker accidentally. Anyway, here's another cheap stabilizer he put together before he joined the Kinect team...[]

better idea for cooling down: DRINK the ice water. Simpler is quite often better...

Nah, Puma wasn't mind-blowing. A decent upgrade, but still lacked a lot of key features. 10.20 (see what I did there?) Jaguar was the one that really did it for me.

The version numbers you're talking about still follow a progression, where 10.10 would NOT. Once you get to 10.9, you can go to 10.9.1 or even jump to 10.9.5 (or whatever progression you want, as long as it's FORWARD). General versioning follows the patter of [major.minor.bugrevision], and Apple is documented as using

BTW, just got the Sex Panther reference, finally. Ron Bergundy FTW - sorry for being slow on the uptake.

Again, I'm completely confused by your "logic." You said 10.10. That's 10.1, with an unnecessary trailing 0. There's no second decimal point, and even if there was, why would they go back to Puma (10.1) and release an incremental upgrade?

Sex panther? No such thing. 10.10? That's 10.1, genius (which has already been done, and was called Puma). Thanks for playing.

Nope, just you. For my part, I like seeing the UI explanation while hearing what it is. Plus, if you want to read it you can read about most of it on Apple's website: []

Um...what? That makes no sense on several levels.

RRRRGGGG STOMP STOMP GROWL. Double Negative headline brings out grammar trolls...

STILL no Google Voice from here? Lame.