
Or people were voting with no real experience with these programs.

My guess? Lots of people who use Premiere Elements and FC Express were voting. That, or people voting along loyalty lines (or prejudices). For Mac, nothing beats FCP (as long as you're talking REAL Final Cut, not Final Cut X). Premiere is usable, and there are things I like more about it (like the ability to drag only

Tommy Lee Jones was Two Face. Oh wait...DANG IT. Yet again, I lament the internet's lack of a sarc mark.

What, no Ahnuld from Batman Forever? Oh wait...he didn't have a great role to contrast his horrible, campy villain one. My mistake.

Agreed. Don't like it guys? You're a root away from freedom.

It would also be pretty easy to hack a nightlight to steal the ambient light sensor - then the rope light would turn on whenever the other lights turn off.

Your southern accent might have something to do with it Mat. As is usually the case, I will give the consensus more weight than one over the top rant. Your position is duly noted but doesn't change mine.

Empass = reached. Sorry, but I commented on this discussion in order to discuss its topic, not get into a philosophical debate about the nature of this forum and the formal obligations of posters. Your documentation and citations are given. Snottiness wasn't my intention. Have a good one.

On your first point, I disagree. Yes, 4 comes after 3. But they called it the iPhone 4 because it WAS the 4th iPhone, not because it comes after three. I agree that the next iPhone will be called the iPhone 4G though - to me, that is the only one that makes sense.

Two words: Look closely. Two more: Wrist strap.

Wrong. The 4s is number 5 - see my post above.

How is it ANY different? Accelerated, yes. But breeding in desirable traits and breeding out perceived flaws is unnatural selection, or as Popular Science eloquently calls it, "morphologic modification".

We live in a day and age where casual comments based in fact need not be cited, because Google and countless sources of verification are seconds away. If you are confident in your quote, the burden is on others to verify or refute it. If I were writing a college paper, your argument would hold more water. But as is,

GRRR. WHY is everyone clinging to the iPhone 5 moniker? Use common sense:

Google+ no longer has a negative stance toward pseudonyms, so that point is no longer applicable. I'm not sure what you mean by adult conversations, outside of porn and infidelity - care to elaborate?

Privacy settings will remain the same unless users change them

Simple evolution in the same way that breeding dogs is evolution: that is, not at all. Selective engineering has nothing to do with evolution.

Although I couldn't find any reference to his stance, it's not a stretch to think that Jobs was pro-life, considering where he came from. He is on record as saying "I'm glad I didn't end up as an abortion". We all know his stance on parental controls and pornography - is this really that surprising?

I'm not saying he was doing it for the fame. Many scientists I know (as they should) put peer review into the process for the sake of validating their science. Sometimes without consideration for the consequences. Publishing it to protect everyone makes little sense - it falls into the same category as open-sourcing a