
Generation X screwed over future generations just like the boomers and everyone else. Generation X will be old and senile before all the financial mess they helped create is cleaned up. And chances are they might even be living on a modicum of SSI. But their kids and grandkids can forget about it.

There have been similar issues with previous iOS devices - it's the glue. Give it a few days and the yellow will disappear.

Ultraviolet is getting ready to launch as well - perhaps that is part of the reason they can tease this top tier content - they're going to be a portal for ultraviolet content. Just spec though...

Agreed - I was primarily aiming to tease Sam. That said, it was somewhat hyperbolic. Almost no one likes the new design direction that Apple has taken on some of its software. But it's not limiting in the way that Sam is implying - just ugly.

Sam + Monday + Wrong side of bed = overly hyperbolic rant. It's ok buddy - grab your coffee, pour in a little plastic bottle whiskey and soldier on.

Do the math before you accuse anyone of blindly following Apple. The best they could do while still maintaining a pixel density above the 300 dpi "Retina" mark they set for themselves is 3.7 inches. Any larger, and while the density would still be awesome, it would fall below the 300 dpi mark and they would no longer

It was interesting to me. If you're not interested in reading it, pass on by the link instead of trolling around for someone to argue with.

I stand corrected. I should have IMDB'd him before opening my mouth (coincidentally: []) That said, I looked through his filmography and more than once had the thought, "He was in that movie? I saw it, and I don't remember him." Being in a movie that is good doesn't mean your character was good or

Biggest sticking point for me? Mark Ruffalo as Bana. Wish Edward Norton was still playing him. Seems to me that someone who did movies like American History X would be more suited to this type of character than someone who's resume is largely comprised of romantic comedies I've been forced to watch with my better half.

Success or no at this point, Google+ has something the previous Google attempts at social do not: commitment by Google. There is no guessing whether this "might be" Google's attempt to unseat Facebook. This is it. And it's integrated into far more than most people realize.

You see it as a problem. Apple sees it as the culmination of a lot of planning. Just because you may think they painted themselves into a corner does not mean Apple thinks the same thing. Don't think for a moment that they didn't consider every conceivable possibility before making that pivotal of a decision.

I DO believe Apple will stick with the 3.5 inch design. But I don't think the primary reason is as abstract or arbitrary as this. It's because of 2 things: Retina Display and Pixel Doubling. These are established Apple concepts, and Apple would probably be loathe to have to spin a reduction in pixel density as an

Am I the only person that finds this a bit sad? Sure, Steve changed the world. Sure, he made a huge impact on my life personally. But if someone brings children into this world, that's their PRIMARY responsibility until they're fit to go out on their own.

They do some nice special editions too - check out their Live Strong versions of popular shoes. Good cause, generally classy designs.

I have a TON of respect for the guys at Firemint. Not only are they putting out a high-quality racing sim, but they're constantly pushing innovation between iOS devices and the Apple TV. Respect, guys.

Reposting this.

ChazzyD had it right. My mac has a sad face as well.

My first thought when I heard Steve Jobs had died was this: WHY was I whining only yesterday about not getting all the devices I wanted to see? Steve was on his deathbed and I was mourning the fact that my technolust had not been completely sated. There are much more important things. Poor Steve - the last thing he

Hello Mr. Troll. I shall log your opinions in the "useless" bin right alongside the opinions of the Westboro Baptists church and their plans to picket Steve's funeral.

Macintosh IIsi. Wrote many a term paper on that beast (and played a pretty sweet flight sim in my spare time).