
Here's a hint: if you feel like adding the rhetorical question "too soon" to your post, then yes: it's too soon. Don't be a jerk. Take your fingers away from the keyboard and spend the next five minutes practicing empathy.

The networks wouldn't need to agree - it would just be another ESN activation (like buying a phone off of Ebay).

I've made the argument before, and I stand by it: Apple needs to turn the iPod Touch into a dumb phone. A "Wifi iPhone" if you will. A phone that will appeal to the masses who don't want to (or can't) pay for an additional data plan. These people make up over half the cell phone market, and the best they can get right

Looks awesome. Breathtaking.

Bullocks. Apple isn't getting a dime of my money. I'll buy a refurbished iPhone 4 (or pick one up from some desperate sucker who needs to talk to his brand new iPhone).

There's nothing great about the whole presentation. That's it in a nutshell: Nothing Great.

There is a SLEW of egg substitutes out there, and each have their benefits. Check it out: []

Read Apple's invitation a different way: Let's TALK iPhone. Maybe the headline is TALKING to the iPHONE! Oooooo.

Anyone else noticing a trend toward (previously) free apps going paid since Apple launched the Mac App Store? I know these guys are good developers, and I don't have any problem shelling out for good apps, but what is the deal? Suddenly my upgrade to Lion is taking on all sorts of miscellaneous costs and they're

First! Sounds like a good evolution in pricing structure to me.

Wow. Hearken back to a time when 1000 songs was "an entire music library". Hehe.

BGR is link baiting. Sprint may be assisting. I will not bite. I have the patience to outlast them...until tomorrow.

They've already done it with the iPod Touch - it has a "lower quality" retina display and a smaller camera. Just because it's lower quality doesn't mean it's LOW quality.

$99 prepaid? Sign me up.

No matter the content of this article (which is cool as well), that is one of the best headlines I've seen on Giz in quite a while! Kudos, Matt.

Twilight fans start going a little crazy when you confiscate their stash of "glitter".

I'm on board with this! I have MUCH more faith in Bezos and Amazon to fulfill WebOS' potential than I do with Carol Bartz and the swirling toilet bowl that is HP.

It's not my argument - it's YOUR argument taken to its logical conclusion. You're claiming it's the fact that you KNOW she's nursing that bothers you - because you're not going to see a THING unless you're sitting there leering (in which case you deserve a punch in the nose and a boot out the door anyway). If all that

Wouldn't work with Bitcoin - seen the value of that stuff lately? I'll probably burn it to keep warm this winter...

Ignorant troll is ignorant.