
...or have them reproduce themselves.

What's the resale value on these babies? Maybe we can get our money back.

"Sir Ive didn't sit in his plush little Apple office, slaving over a drawing board for you to wrap it in an awful faux leather folio case that you found on Amazon for $20."

I guess that's better than "what".

They need to buy Hostess. The world cannot go on without Twinkies.

It's fine to look at it from a purely musical stand-point, but then again most music today sucks, anyway.

My first impression is that they put way more thought into it's visual look than the practical use of this.

They should all just implement GMail's spam filter and be done with it. Ever since I signed up with GMail 3 (4?) years ago, I've received maybe a dozen spam emails, which I in turn flagged. My old email (which was used to create my first gmail address) used to receive dozens PER DAY. It's a great system.

ESPECIALLY, when the AV in question is Norton...

AVG used to be light-weight. But over the years, I've noticed they've become as bloated as Norton.

All of this just makes me more paranoid that the ones that are being brought to our attention might be the decoys to over-shadow the really bad ones...

What makes you think there's a "huge increase" and not just the usual amount but with more of the public paying attention now?

Kind of reminds me of my girlfriend when we're trying to find a parking space. "Oh, we just missed one back there..."

The black lines are consistent, while the white areas in between have slight variances of the hidden image. If you copy and paste the image into a photo editor like Photoshop and zoom out, you'll be able to see it. The more you zoom in the more invisible it gets.

Netflix actually found a way to convince me that I'm getting my money's worth (with 1 disc at a time for $20 a month) when in fact, I'm really only getting 2 rentals a month because my un-motivated ass keeps forgetting that I have an unwatched disc lying around for weeks! $10 rentals FTW!

Since you don't want to post you kids photos online, why not photoshop them out? That way we can have a picture of you hiding! lol

oh man, what's with the girl and the dolls?

Oh, come on. If this is App of the Day, the quality of apps have taken a plunge for the worse.

My initial idea was "pissing match" and this popped up instead, so I ran with it! lol

I enjoyed the first 1/3 (1/2?) of this article before giving up and going straight to the comments to see how it ended. Seriously, good writing but WAY to long. It was like watching Cast Away. Great acting by Tom Hanks, interesting story. Did it have to be 2 1/2 hours long to get its' point across? Not at all.