
You can turn set the personal default to world in 4 easy steps:

Why would any organization want to "take them out" when they would be able to permanently "hire" them to work for them and be used as a resource instead? I'm assuming that this is what is currently happening when these hackers get caught.

Feeling the urge to type one of the thousand quotes from this movie, but without Ricardo's voice, it just wouldn't do them justice. :/


Never doubt the size of America's penis.

I figure, by the time we have a fast enough network technology will have evolved to that point, anyways.

I agree. Hell, the beta version of Windows 7 was already deemed pretty much perfect (of course, that's because Vista might as well have been considered the alpha build).

Until we see the day where Google Maps stops relying on camera cars to refresh every few months/years and is giving us real-time footage, I'll say we need more speed. You think Facetime was something? Wait until you can zoom in from a hundred miles above sea-level and zoom into your significant other's face!

"I just got Samsunged"

I remember when I was walking around and trying to find my way around Paris back in 2002. I'm sure it would've saved me a few blocks by making realize I had been walking in circles and the street names were just changing from block to block. :P

Ride of the Valkyries

I'm completely confused by your "apples to ice cream sandwiches" comparison. I mean, Apple is a company and Ice Cream Sandwich is a product. Furthermore, Apples are fruit (good & wholesome — one a day keeps the doctor away) while ICS is too-good-to-be-healthy (will make you fat), and in completely different food

"So that X-1 must be a dinky one...? (just big enough to suck our solar system into oblivion...)"

"So that X-1 must be a dinky one...? (just big enough to suck our solar system into oblivion...)"

I'm intrigued. I looked this up and found out that this one isn't UL approved, so I kept looking around online.

It's a good idea though. At least we won't have to worry about the Matrix Theory, that machines will one day take over the world. We're single-handedly keeping their intelligence down. No machine left behind, I say!

Actually, I'm wondering if the width of a website is even a factor anymore? Not sure if tablet OS's use the same browser as their smartphone counterparts, but don't the browsers just scale the whole page to fit the width these days? I know Android's does.

"...and even with continued threat of SOPA, the media will stop covering it..."

As much as I agree with you about Ron Paul, it would be a bad idea for Gizmodo to publicly back any candidate. This is a tech blog and is not the place for political leanings and endorsements.

I hear ya. I quit for a few years and all it took was that ONE and I was back on within a few months. Thankfully, I was eventually able to shake it, but I too now know that I'm literally 1 cigarette away.