
I'm going to just stick with what I've been saying for a long time. 3D tv's will not take off as much as the manufacturers want them to until:

I was around, too. Back then we actually had to WALK up to the TV and change it. The price of remote control was the medical bills for having a kid and training them to change the channels for you.

Going forward, I think Apple should just plan to lose these prototypes. Just send out hundred's of fake ones at the same time as when they release the prototype into the wild. While doing so, they could tag each one with an ID number and if they show up in the media, they'll know who leaked it (fake or not, that

Have we been reading the same Gizmodo?

For the same reason that Kawasaki makes Jet Ski's and keyboards, and Bic makes pens and razor blades.

I forgot to add that Domino's and Pringle's would become the world's newest super powers.

3D deodorant.

I refuse to believe that this is an actual Nintendo product. Not even the original DS design was this bad. This isn't even a case of function-over-form, as it requires you to pull out the DS in order to slide a game cartridge in? There's an L2 button but not an L1? Totally not consistent with how Nintendo does

Or how about you have every politician and world leader smoke weed before every negotiation, and we can:

At first I thought they were doing the retro thing with the old TV form factor lol

That third image is shot at an angle, so you see the front side in perspective...

New colors.

On the other hand, getting caught with our pants down maybe more humiliating... :P

Seriously, I don't see why people are freaking out over the price change. Sure it's more than it used to be, but who here remembers that Blockbuster's rentals were $5 per movie for 4 days before Netflix came around? Basic cable/internet at Time-Warner currently costs me $80/month.

I'd hate to say this (because I'm growing weary of Apple's patent binging), but I think for something like this, a patent is appropriate. This isn't some retarded claim like a "black rectangle with rounded corners", or "swiping your fingers across a screen". It's an actual way for the app to recognize a specific

I know I'm going off on a tangent here:

I don't think it's a matter of the search feature itself getting better— Google's voice-to-text algorithm is already impressive. On my Android phone, it has already replaced at 75% of my searches/text messaging. The problem for using it is it's a hardware-driven feature. At this point, it's much simpler to press the

A doctor walks in to meet with his patient.

If this sticks, they've just lost the touch gestures rights as well. Star Trek:TNG has a full 7 seasons' worth of tablet gestures on touch-based screens.

The same people are the ones clicking on banner ads, which indicate there's enough of an economy in it to make it worth doing.