
@John Sutton: ...and this is different from present-day L.A. drivers in what way? :-P

@sweetelectro: how does it compare to Cyanogenmod 6? I'm liking CM6, but am curious about other ROMs...

So okay. The wife runs, trips and gets injured. She then decides to wait for her husband to get home after dinner (because he has to work.) Then, in the span of 5 seconds (while he's patching her up) she mentions that she heals at an accelerated rate and the bloody patch heals itself right then and there.

This reminds me of an episode of This American Life that talked about how hookworms can completely eliminate allergies once and for all...

"An mobile app—Logitech Harmony Remote—for both Android and iPhone..."

@Kwinten: I've noticed that jpegs actually preserve colors (especially mid-tone browns, reds, and oranges) closer to the original comps than png's. It's always a good idea to pick and choose the formats depending on how you intend to use them (the need to have a gradient transparent background, for example) rather

@Acemonster: Oh okay. I have no idea how all this geo-location thing-a-ma-bobs work...

I really need to ask... does this helicopter have snow-repelling paint or something? It's in the middle of a whole buncha snow and it looks like it just came out of a car wash.

@Acemonster: What good do preloaded maps do for GPS, if you're not getting a signal? Doesn't it still rely on 3G to get your position?

@learniiburn: iOS' version of Google Maps can barely be compared to Android's though.

I don't know if it's the way these images were compressed or what, but these really look photoshopped. If you look closely at the edges of the silhouettes in the various landscapes, it looks like the same kind of "rimming" artifacts you get when you magic lasso an object and paste it over a dark background...

@2 replies: Ah, but these are "features" that make the iPhone so great!

@DavidAndrus: I'm fine with this as long as they keep Michael Bay away from the process.

@RiceBandit: Okay, so it's not technically "LIVE" streaming, but my point about expectations on quality is the same...

I think it's pretty safe to assume that once someone has decided that they want to watched a streamed broadcast, that they're already expecting that the quality is going to suck, and not be in HD.

Needs more sweaty boobs, sunsets, over saturation, slow-mo and less sandals and bare chests.

@igloochan: They say "threatens," as in "it may not be infringing on our rights now, but it could open the doors to other laws that do."