
@EmeraldStorm: Or vote. And if you already do, tell your friends & enemies to do so, too.

@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: If you think about the 3DS being the "better version" from the DSi (which it is,) then you shouldn't have any problems, right?

Why would we need this on mobile devices when we have their speech to text? Sure, it's inaccurate 1 out of 10 tries, but I find it totally usable.

Expect a letter from Google soon. They want to know why you're taking credit for their writings.

I think a better test would be to see if it plays more than 3 songs before dying.

@igloochan: Never say never, especially when it has to do with Nintendo & Mario. Nintendo in particular has always demonstrated its' commitment to keeping their legacy alive.

@Taggart451: Bear in mind that that's the nature of the field they're in and they're used to it. Anyone involved with this game will probably have no problems finding something new after taking an intentional week or two off. It's about who you know and they probably already have a bunch of connections contacting them.

Netflix streaming is taking off in so many ways and on so many devices, the hype on its' inclusion should really just be a bullet-point by now. It should just be assumed that if you don't own a device that already has it, you probably will eventually.

@djpaetkau: To be honest, I don't think price is an issue for anyone who plopped down the $$$ required to purchase a PS3. Sure the PS3 is now relatively affordable, but a large portion of PS3 owners bought theirs before the slim version was released...

@ukimalefu: Was trying to view it on my friend's iPhone 4 yesterday. nada.

@Trickyhop: It isn't so much about memorizing, as it is instinctively looking at it and registering the difference between shapes within the split-second it takes to react to stuff as they're exploding all over you.

I've always personally felt that colored buttons work better. It's definitely easier to understand when someone tells you "press the red button" than press the "X", "Y", "Triangle" or "semi-white-ish" button, especially when you're playing games like driving games, or anything that requires quick responses.

@Brad Roth: Exactly. "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD."

It's too bad it can't run on the iPhone or iPad, since neither of them have Chrome. :-P

@job.genders: Back when I was in Design college, we had assignments where we had to use xerox machines and use that very same concept. Fun stuff.

"Another displays content even when the user is busy but does so in an unobtrusive way."