
@carlmccunn: Except that if a human told me this, I would've beat the shit out of him when he told me it was a mistake...

@eameslounge001: I'd like to add to your list. How about all the movie-censoring they did to all those flicks? The employees at the one my friends and I frequented used to pull our returned videos out of the bin to take home and watch for themselves (and then have the nerve to try to charge us late fees!)

I need to have all of my music be equally loud but tuned down whenever a Bon Jovi track is played.

Its about time, I say. Screw these guys for censoring movies. I'm surprised they lasted this long.

That rocks.

@timzster: Yes, it does eliminate the point of buying a specific console, which is why it rests on Sony/Microsoft's shoulders to motivate (pay) these studios for exclusive rights. Why should the studios be concerned which system's audience they are catering to when they can cater to them all? Keeping the studio afloat

Why do people park in driveways and drive in parkways?

@jsprigg: Do you have this available in high-res? I'd love this for my dual monitor wallpaper!

Every time they expose these colors on old pieces of art, it just kills it for me. These colors just make these sculptures god-awful. It's like when they re-did the Sistine Chapel colors. Blech.

I always felt that although the games are labelled as "Adventure" games, the Zelda series had more of a puzzle aspect to it, and that Link was the vehicle to solve those puzzles. I actually see him (or should I say, "different versions of him"?) not really as much of a character as he is an icon that extends the

@Donuthead: LOL Hey, I believe in Star Trek reality. 'nuff said! haha

@Donuthead: I guess the point I'm trying to make is that there ARE people who live in those situations who really DO want to get into a better living situation and are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. Maybe this could give them that chance...

I would think that if there's anyone who would actually benefit the most from broadband, it would be these areas. The internet offers so many opportunities in and of itself that you wouldn't find in the "physical" world.

It needs to be blue by default and turn red whenever you knock someone out or do something evil/aggressive.

This is really stupid, but then again, isn't this consistent with how Apple has always done things? I don't mean this in a "Apple Sucks" kind of way, but they've always been sticklers for their own standards.

"We're changing our name to SkyNet"

It's a good thing for Android that I'm here to make up the difference, then!

@Arken: Same could be said about paperclips (little piece o' twisted wire? pffssh), and post-it notes (little piece o' square paper with some glue on the back? whatevs...)

I didn't even know my N1 Google Maps app even HAD street view on it! Guess that means I'm in my car way more than I am on foot! :P