
@Boxworth: Which leads me to something I've been wanting to say since the I downloaded my first game for my iPhone: these game developers need to start showing the battery charge indicator in their games! No, it's not acceptable that we have to back out to the main menu just to check on it, only to have to start from

More relevant to the game, Marv Wolfman was also one of the drivers behind DC's Who's Who series, which indexed every single DC character (lame or not) up until '86 or so. Sure many characters were created after that but I'm sure DC learned to keep track of them from the point on...

Fahey, you do realize that this trailer was created by ("Cheesier Than Kraft Singles") Sega, right? I'm surprised they didn't squeeze a J-Pop soundtrack somewhere in there. Really, were you expecting something different from their marketing machine???

@Philip Marquis: umm, after market 3G touch screens are. 1st gen iPhone screens are another matter— avg. about $200 because they are built differently (the 2 pieces of glass are attached to each other for 1st gen iPhones, while the 3G screens are separated). However, I've never seen the $1200 price tag that Adam

@gencid: I'm sorry but if you're talking about Fatal Frame 4, you can't call it "FF4" since it can only mean Final Fantasy 4, especially when SE is part of the discussion. :P

@Carter Daniels: "Look, we know the pc is difficult, it's not like the patching process for the 360 or PS3 is any better"

@King_Faisal_94: I wouldn't call it a gimmick, but I've tried out a few of the games, and I have to say that the various developers making these games still have a way to go.

@Jedi Master: Why in the world would they need to offer something new (aside from throwing in bikes)? The MK formula is great for a reason; it's fully expandable to add more tracks, characters, vehicles, etc. I was skeptical at how the old tracks would work with the new games, but they're just as fun (sometime better)

I would like to meet the exec who looked at this demo and said, "hmmm... I think we're going to have to pass on this one..."

I remember back in 1986, when I first opened my NES as a Christmas gift and marveled at this wonderful technology. "The sky's the limit with this thing!", I exclaimed. "If only they would make a Puffin game..."

@MDRL: Nintendo's letter: "Thanksforthemoney'kaybyenow"

@darkjedi26: Where have you been since, oh 1985? Did we not play the same side-scrollers back then? Throwing down controllers used to be the mark of a true game! These days, the ease of finishing these games have turned "the hardcore" into a buncha wimps.

It hit me the second I walked into the office this morning.

Oh , hell no. If anything, Japanese TV needs to come HERE !

Admittedly, I haven't seen nor read anything about this game (intentionally), but damn this looks like it should have been called "Resident Evil Solid"...

"Michael Bay Optimus Prime" is just SO 2007...


@Ted: There is no such thing as "Too much Bwaaahhh". The world can always use more Bwaahhh's!

What, no bird-shirt? What up wit' dat?

Rad Racer.