
Looks interesting enough... but man, get rid of the Masters of the Universe character design (in the video)...

@Neer'mo: lol I was totally going to post a similar comment!

@hikkifan1986: I think it's all about context. This would have made sense if they were talking about having a female Producer for a DOA game. This just straight-up confuses me. lol

This is a bummer for me. My bro is moving, the owner of our PS3 and 360. I was starting to really fall in love with the PS3, and was debating which to get for myself. I guess I'm picking up a 360. My wallet will not slap down that much cash at this point in time...

So I'm going to club my friend on the back of his head with a bat while he's playing Wii Music, and then call it a "Wii Head Injury".

@Darkest Daze: I actually miss those N64 days of actually having the time to finish EVERY game that came out for it! lol Of course if they released a game you didn't care for, you'd be shit out of luck until the next game-of-the-month was released.

@etchasketchist: In general, videogames can be seen as an inexpensive entertainment item when compared to other forms of entertainment.

So I guess this would be a great time to finish at least one of those unopened games sitting on my shelf?

@TurboFool: I totally agree— also from a product identity stand-point, they look too similar and will just confuse their demographic. If the DSi is to avoid a fate similar to the GB Micro, Nintendo needs to pound home the differences between the products and then make a seriously loud announcement that the new product

One marketing point for this game: it's the first production ever to apparently sport not only a blind character designer, but also a blind Creative Director, as well!

@JGab: You missed several phases:

@Dirk Dorkelson: What about the ratio of games released : "casual games"? If Wii has 7 times more games being released every week, isn't it safe to assume that they'll probably have just as many times more?

@NeoAkira: Actually, I don't think we went back to VHS from Laserdisc, because I think that's when DVD's came out, wasn't it? So it wasn't so much that we retroceded (this is a first for me— I've never heard of this word before so props to ya!) as much as we replaced it with a better format...

@Superlocke: @SecCom: Note that in regards to bashing, he said "Nintendo", not "Wii." You guys also need to include DS software sales in context.

Okay, I haven't been so creeped out since I first sat through that scene in Poltergeist with the clown.

Not too surprised by this.

@Waspo: ...or they could release another Rush game (I refuse to acknowledge that last multi-playerless pos,) and simply dominate.

Just reskin the Journey arcade game and call it a day. $$$Cha-ching!$$$

$200 USD? I'm sorry but that's way more than I'd care to pay for it. It's too bad— I've been looking forward to is, too.

@XeroKool: As someone who is very on-the-fence about most things PS, I have to say that LittleBigPlanet kicks butt and should be at the top of your to-buy list, if it isn't already! This is the first PS game that truly gave me a fun time over the weekend!